The man takes a pen
Victor Shendrik
The man takes a pen
Anger, jealousy, impotence.
Believing in freedom and goodness,
From health and loveapella
The man takes a pen.
Man tries to sing
That one is not needed
That came to bloom and die
(Oh, you line someone wormed.
Checked – not mine, what a pity!)
Man tries to sing.
With a pen and drain again and again
Fall, insomnia, guitars,
Tears, blood, separation and love.
The last two do not live without a pair
And pen flow again and again.
The man takes a pen.
People old itching.
The word – as you know, silver.
Well, to get rich not have to –
The man takes a pen.

The man takes a pen
Anger, jealousy, impotence.
Believing in freedom and goodness,
From health and loveapella
The man takes a pen.
Man tries to sing
That one is not needed
That came to bloom and die
(Oh, you line someone wormed.
Checked – not mine, what a pity!)
Man tries to sing.
With a pen and drain again and again
Fall, insomnia, guitars,
Tears, blood, separation and love.
The last two do not live without a pair
And pen flow again and again.
The man takes a pen.
People old itching.
The word – as you know, silver.
Well, to get rich not have to –
The man takes a pen.