How to plant a bow-batun so that the green feather grows all year round

I plant a bow-batun in the open ground and chorus: “Grow up, mom, dad and kids for joy!” A bow-batun, or a Tatar, or a piped bow, is my love. Perfect for a pen race!

Whatever you cut. batoonIt grows very quickly, and forms a kind of conveyor supply to our table of greenery, starting from early spring to late autumn.

Today's edition. "Site" will tell you under what conditions the bow-batun will give friendly shoots and crop. Long-term and frost-resistant culture!

The bow-batun in the open ground is popular all over the world, it is loved for its unpretentiousness, ease of care and original taste. People call it Chinese onions. For many centuries it was grown in China and Japan.

The bow-batun is a perennial that does not form heads, while increasing the green mass it all season. Planting this type of onion is worth at least because of its taste and ease in agricultural engineering. Growing can be done in several ways: through sowing seeds in open ground and through seedlings. And the first option is much easier, but no less effective!

It's a frost-resistant onion. It is well suited for sowing in winter. Therefore, if you want to get juicy and healthy greens early, then onion seeds are better to sow in November. In this case, the harvest can be carried out in May-June. You can do it sooner if it's warm!

Maybe. batoon Even in the early spring, as soon as the snow falls. Seeds before sowing should be disinfected. To do this, they need to be soaked for 20 minutes in a solution of permanganate. Then drain on a sieve and wash under running water. Put the seeds in a slightly damp paper towel and leave in the container. After 2 days, the seeds will germinate and be ready for sowing!

You can plant a bow-batun both in open ground and in containers with earth. Personally, I grow it, in addition to the cottage, on the balcony windowsill. And all year round! The bow-batun grows well in the greenhouse.

From agricultural engineering, it is only necessary to mention that onions do not like acid soils. Therefore, it is necessary to apply ash during landing. Also well suited for its planting earth after cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, legumes or greens. Seeds should be lowered into the pits to a depth of no more than 2 centimeters, at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The distance between the rows should be no more than 20 centimeters!

The bulb does not form a batun, but the long white leg resembles a porey and is also very tasty. The taste of this onion is more juicy and tender, not so sharp compared to the onion. Batun does not change taste either in the heat or in the cold. It stays just as juicy with a light pinch!

We have it growing in one place, perhaps more than 10 years. It saves a huge amount of time if I put a bow on a feather every year. You can cut several times during the season. After cutting or in winter, you can sprinkle humus. Propagated with seeds, it is enough to plant once, because this is a perennial.

Eating onions is useful at any time. 150 grams of batoon onions contain the daily allowance of vitamins A and C and one fifth of the norm of calcium and potassium. Also, the batun contains essential oils, carotene, vitamin K and ascorbic acid.

To say you can't grow onions is to make everyone laugh to tears! It is enough to choose high-quality bulbs or seeds, as in the version with a baton onion, and plant them in moist soil, keep them in the light. The result will not be long in coming!

I also propose to get acquainted with the lunar sowing calendar for May 2022. Here you will find the most favorable days for planting vegetables and greens!

Planting a bow-batun in the open ground for me is my favorite summer ritual. I also put it in pots on the balcony. I love having green onions at home all year round! Especially so fragrant, and his taste is really tender, but onion.

While writing this article, I wanted a batuna with sour cream. To do this, you just need to cut the batun, salt, crumple, add sour cream - and with black bread. This is delicious!

If you're in a seed shop, pay attention to the batoon-seed. And if you find it on sale, buy it. No regrets! Do you plant onions in your cottage or at home?


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