Carl Jung: The only existing hazard - it is the man himself

"Face to Face" - archival record interviews with Carl Gustav Jung, the greatest Swiss psychiatrist and the founder of analytical psychology, in which the scientist talks about his rustic childhood, friendship and break with Freud, the mysteries of the human psyche and the problem of death (interviewer: British politician and journalist John Freeman).
Who are we without our consciousness? As far as we are dependent on historical circumstances? What Freud was wrong? What is the main danger for humanity? Can we abandon the idea of a "Savior"? Why can not ignore the death and how should we treat it?
About everything - from the horse's mouth. For clarity, we have made a small selection of quotes from the conversation.
Jung about consciousness:
. J. Freeman: Can you recall the circumstances in which you first felt his own identity
? Carl Jung: I was only 11 years old. On the way to school I came out of the fog. It was as if I was in a daze, wandering in the fog. And then I came out of him, knowing that I am. I have what I have. Then I thought: "And what I was before?" And I realized that all this time wandered in a daze, unable to separate themselves from the things of others. I was just one of the many other things.
On the break with Freud:
J. Freeman:. Now let's fast forward to the time when you finally parted ways with Freud. It was something to do with the publication of your book "The Psychology of the Unconscious»?
Carl Jung: Yes, the real reason was this. But this all long gone. You see, from the very beginning I had reservatio mentalis - mental reservation. I could not agree with many of Freud's ideas & lt; ... & gt ;. Mainly, this is due to his personal approach and disregard for the historical conditions of human life. We largely depend on our stories. We creates education, the influence of parents, which in all respects is not always private. It has a bias. It is influenced by istorichesike ideas or what I call the dominants. And this is the decisive factor in psychology. We do not belong to today's or yesterday's day. In our entire history of mankind.
Carl Jung: "The only present danger - it is the man himself»
Jung about the main danger of mankind:
J. Freeman:. In the 30s, when you worked with the German patients, you predicted that soon will begin the Second World War. And in spite of whether you are the world today feel the likelihood of a third world war?
Carl Jung: I do not see any signs of the nerve. But there are so many signs that no one can say, in fact. A separate tree or a forest? It is very difficult to say, because people dreams contain dangerously. But it is very difficult to say whether this indicates a war, just because this idea is, basically, is in the minds of people. Previously, it was easier to identify, because people do not think about the war.
And then it was clear that the dreams mean. Today it is not so. We are so overwhelmed by fears and fears that it is impossible for certain say what they indicate. One thing is for sure - a great change in the psychological approach is inevitable. It certainly & lt; ... & gt ;. We do need a psychology, we no longer need the understanding of human nature, because the only existing hazard - it is the man himself. He - a great danger
. And we, unfortunately, did not realize. We know nothing about the man, it is negligible. The human psyche should be studied, because we - it is the source of all the evil of the future possible.