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Carl Gustav Jung: Demons are attracted masses

This unique and almost unknown to the interview of Carl Gustav Jung, the famous psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, published May 11, 1945 in the Swiss newspaper Die Weltwoch, four days after the German army's surrender in Reims. "Whether the soul will find peace?" - Was the name of an article in which Jung speculated about the reasons for the mass psychosis of the German nation in the 30-40-ies, the demons are just that and are waiting to crawl out on the surface of our psyche, and how. that after Germany's evil will be looking for other peoples instilled to its incarnation.

Journalist «Die Weltwoche»: Do not you think that the end of the war will cause a huge change in the soul of the Europeans, especially Germans, who now seemed to awaken from a long sleep and terrible

? Carl Gustav Jung: Yes, of course. As for the Germans, then we are faced with mental health problems, the importance of which is hard to imagine, but it is possible to distinguish the outlines of the example of the sick, I'm flying. For the psychologist one thing, namely, that he should not follow the widespread sentimental separation for the Nazis and opponents of the regime. I have treated two patients with overt anti-Nazis, and yet their dreams show that for all their decency is still alive pronounced Nazi psychology with all its violence and cruelty. When the Swiss journalist asked Field Marshal von Küchler (Georg von Küchler (1881-1967) led the invasion of western Poland in September 1939 .; he was convicted and sentenced to imprisonment as a war criminal by the Nuremberg Tribunal) about the atrocities of the Germans in Poland, he exclaimed indignantly "Sorry, this is not the Wehrmacht, it's a party!" - a perfect example of the fact that the division into honest and dishonest Germans are extremely naive. All of them, consciously or unconsciously, actively or passively involved in the horrors; they knew nothing about what was going on, and at the same time know.

The question of collective guilt, which is so difficult and will impede the politicians, for the psychologist fact, no doubt, and one of the most important tasks of the treatment is to force the Germans to admit his guilt. Already, many are turning to me with a request to be treated by me. If the request comes from the "decent Germans" who do not mind to put the blame on a couple of people from the Gestapo, I feel hopeless case. I had no choice but to offer them a questionnaire with unambiguous questions like: "What do you think of Buchenwald?". Only when the patient understands and acknowledges his guilt, it is possible to apply individual treatment.

But how it was possible that the Germans, all the people that were in the mental hopeless situation? Could it be similar to any other nation?

CG Jung: Let me here make a small detour to outline my theory regarding the general psychological past, preceding the National Socialist war. We take as our starting point a small example from my practice. One day a woman came up to me and burst into violent accusations against her husband: it is a devil, he torments and pursues her, and so on and so forth. In fact, this man turned out to be quite a good citizen, innocent of any demonic intent. Where did this woman come her crazy idea? Yes, just in her own soul that the devil lives, which it projects outside, carrying his own desires and fury at her husband. I explained all this to her, and she agreed likened repentant lamb. Everything seemed in order. Nevertheless, this is what bothered me, because I do not know where the devil was gone, before connecting with the image of her husband. Exactly the same thing but in a large scale history occurred in Europe. For primitive man, the world is full of demons and mysterious forces, which he fears; for him all nature is animated by these forces, which are in fact nothing but his own internal force, projected to the outside world. Christianity and modern science dedemonizirovali nature, which means that Europeans consistently absorb the demonic forces of peace in ourselves, constantly downloading of their unconscious. In man, these demonic forces rebel against the apparent lack of freedom of spiritual Christianity. Demons break in Baroque art: the spines are bent, found hoof satire. Man is gradually turning into Ouroboros, destroys himself, in the image, since ancient times is the symbol of a man possessed by a demon. The first complete example of this type is Napoleon.

The Germans are particularly weak in the face of these demons because of their incredible suggestibility. It is found in their love for the submission, in their limp obedience to orders that are just another form of suggestion. This corresponds to a total mental inferiority of the Germans, the result of their indefinite position between East and West. They are the only ones in the West, who at the general exodus from the womb of the eastern nations remained the longest with his mother. Eventually they moved, but arrived too late, while the man (the mujik) they break free at all. So Germans are deeply tormented by an inferiority complex that they are trying to compensate for the megalomania: «Am deutschen Wesen soil die Welt genesen» ( «German spirit will save the world" - a Nazi slogan borrowed from a poem by Emanuel Geibel (1815-1884) "Recognition in Germany"; line of Gabel became known ever since as their quoted Wilhelm II in his speech in Münster in 1907) - although they do not feel too comfortable in their own skin! This is typical of youth psychology, which is manifested not only in the emergency propagation of homosexuality, but in the absence of anima image in German literature (with the exception of the great Goethe). It is also found in the German sentimentality and «Gemiitlichkeit» ( «Comfort, pleasure"), which in reality are nothing but the hardness, insensitivity and callousness. All allegations of bestiality and callousness with which the German propaganda attacked the Russian, the Germans refer to themselves; Goebbels' speech is nothing but a German psychologist, projected onto the enemy. The immaturity of the personality horrifically apparent lack of character in the German General Staff, softness reminiscent of shellfish in the shell.

Germany has always been a country of mental catastrophe: the Reformation, peasant and religious wars. When National Socialism demons pressure increased so that human beings came under their power, turned into a somnambulistic supermen, the first of which Hitler was infecting the rest of it. All the Nazi leaders are obsessed in the literal sense of the word, and surely not by chance that their propaganda minister was marked by the label demonized person - claudication. Ten percent of the German population today hopeless psychopaths.

You're talking about mental disability and demonic suggestibility Germans, but what do you think, whether this also applies to us, the Swiss, the Germans by birth?

CG Jung: We are protected from this paucity of his suggestibility. If the population of Switzerland was eighty million, the contact could occur is the same as the demons are attracted by a lot of advantages. The team of people lose the roots, and then the demons can possess it. Therefore, in practice, the Nazis were engaged only in the formation of huge masses and never - the formation of personality. And also why demonize people today face lifeless, frozen, empty. We, the Swiss shield against these dangers our federalism and our individualism. We can not be such a mass accumulation, as in Germany, and possibly in such isolation is a method of treatment, which succeeded to curb the demons.

But what can turn the treatment, if performed with bombs and machine guns? Should not the military subjugation of deionized nation only increase the sense of inferiority and exacerbate the illness?

CG Jung: Today, Germans are like a drunken man who wakes up in the morning with a hangover. They do not know what they were doing and did not want to know. There is only one sense of the infinite misery. They will take the frantic efforts to justify in the face of accusations and hatred of the world, but it is the wrong way. Redemption, as I have already pointed out, lies only in the full recognition of guilt. "Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!» ( «My fault, my greatest fault" (lat.)).

The sincere repentance gain divine mercy. It is not only religious, but also a psychological truth. American treatment, comprising the steps to conduct the civilian population through the concentration camps, to show all the horrors committed there, is therefore perfectly correct. However, it is impossible to reach the target only a moral precept, repentance must be born in the Germans themselves. It is possible that a disaster will reveal positive forces, because of this absorption in itself revive the prophets, so characteristic of these strange people, like demons. Who has fallen so low, it has depth. In all likelihood, the Catholic Church will gather a rich catch souls, because the Protestant church today is experiencing a split. There is news that the general misery awakened religious life in Germany; entire communities bend the knees at night, begging the Lord to save by the Antichrist.

Then we can hope that the demons will be cast out, and a new and better world will rise on the ruins?

CG Jung: No, the demons is not to get rid of. This is a difficult task, which in the distant future. Now, when the angel of history left the Germans, the demons will be looking for a new victim. And it will not be difficult. Anyone who loses his shadow, every nation that believes in its infallibility, become prey. We feel love for the perpetrator and who show a burning interest, because the devil makes us forget about the log in your own eye, when we see the mote in the brother's eye, and it's a way to get us. The Germans will find themselves when to take and acknowledge their guilt, but others will fall prey to obsession, if their aversion to the German wine to forget about their own imperfections. We must not forget that fatal tendency of Germans to the collectivity, no less inherent in the victorious and the other nations, so that they can also suddenly become a victim of demonic forces. "Universal suggestibility" plays a huge role in today's America, and how Russian authorities have already fascinated by the demon, it is easy to see from recent events that have more moderate our peaceful triumph. The most reasonable in this regard, the British individualism saves them from the drive to the slogans, and the Swiss share their amazement at the collective madness

. Then we have to wait anxiously as demons manifest themselves in the future?

CG Jung: I have said that salvation is only in peace work in the individual education. It's not as hopeless as it may seem. The power of the demons is enormous, and the most modern means of mass suggestion - press, radio, cinema etc. - At their disposal. Nevertheless, Christianity was on forces to defend their positions in the face of insurmountable enemy, and not propaganda and mass appeal - and this happened later was not as significant - and through persuasion from person to person. And it is the way in which we should go if we want to curb the demons.

It is difficult to envy your task to write about these creatures. I hope that you will be able to express my views in such a way that people will not find it too strange. Unfortunately, this is my fate, that people, especially those who are obsessed, consider me crazy, because I believe in demons. But it is up to them to think so; I know that there are demons. From them, do not lose anything, it's just as true as the fact that there Buchenwald.