What men fear prevents them from living

Man - is the stronger sex, and most of all he is afraid to appear weak. In the literal and figurative sense, he is constantly fighting. The thought of defeat is unbearable, so losing only weaklings. But this feature helps men to reach the top of the sport, a political career, to make scientific discoveries.
And, even if you still do not understand how this great and courageous man accidentally cut his finger, can be so impatient and irritated because of a little thing, you know, the reason is that he really does not want to show weakness. That is why he is stubborn as a known animal, and hard as stone, when suddenly somewhere loomed the threat of his fictional image of the winner.
The man does not want to be funny. He or really cheerful or sarcastic, but will not be fooling around in merry company and show off. A painful moment of male self-confidence to become the laughing stock of others. And when a man plays with the other it shows the fear to become a victim of ridicule and sarcastic jokes. You can become a sworn enemy of man, when in the presence of a superior or of the opposite sex joke out of it. Taboo is placed on the topic of his sexual capabilities and the ability of the material.
Men do not want to look ridiculous, and therefore often do not admit women on their sympathy for them, because they believe that it is "drooling", which are not characteristic of real men. They are vulnerable more than women, when it comes to non-reciprocal feelings, betrayal they perceive as a blow below the belt for a long time and can withdraw into themselves and not to allow the heart to love, lose confidence in the man.
The intimate plans they hide their inner shyness, so they are more modest beautiful half of humanity. Ostentatious rudeness one of the methods to hide their indecision. If you did not respond to male sexual performance in bed, then he will perceive it as a criticism and fall into complete despondency. Wounds human fear of being a loser, when people will condemn it dips and abilities.
Someone else thought of his shortcomings can permanently send a man into a deep depression. And our men are afraid to seem stupid ... ... incompetent, dependent ... used ... I advise you to be treated with compassion for this man's fears and then, perhaps, they will simply fear, not fear.