Neyrobika - longevity of your brain

Empirically, researchers proved that nerve cells can be restored, and how! Intellectual ability depleting not because the nerve cells die, and due to the fact that the possibility of running out of dendrites that conduct impulses from one cell to another.
In that case, if the time between the cells does not support the connection from time to time, the dendrites may atrophy like muscles that are long without exercise.
At one time it was believed that new dendrites occur only in children. But recently it became known that neurons have the ability to cultivate new dendrites, which would somehow make up for the loss of old ones. The human brain is able to adapt to such shifts and to transform the structure of relations. On the basis of these findings and conclusions, and was created NEYROBIKA - aerobics for the brain. It forces the various departments and areas of the brain to work quickly and harmoniously.
To turn every step you take, even the most familiar and budichny in neyrobicheskoe exercise, it is necessary that it meet certain conditions. Let's say you're right handed, and day-to-day writing pen. Replacing pen pencil or marker, you do not train your brain. To do this, even change the hand with which you are working. This is inconvenient and not accustomed to, but for the head inestimable benefits.
How does
neyrobika 1. In the new environment need to make several senses were involved. For example, you may want to lace shoes, closing his eyes and leaning primarily on the organs of touch.
2. neyrobike important involvement of all kinds of attention. If on your workstation hang any pictures or posters (is like), try to turn them upside down. Or bring with them to the service at least 1 time a child.
3. It will be very nice if we can change for you ordinary course of events. For example, go to the office some completely new route.
4. Regularly carry out exercises. Neyrobika should be a necessity for you, to some extent even a part of your life. Only on this condition, and in the retirement age you keep a clear mind, a clear logical thinking and everything else - a strong nervous system
. The main principle neyrobiki - constantly change yourself and change everything around. A performance of gymnastics for the brain must become a way of life. Sometimes a person does not even know how it automatically performs a variety of actions, as far as he is predictable and calculate. That is why the exercises for the brain should start with the most seemingly insignificant attributes budichnoy life. Are you ashamed of others, that (you think) you expect from a standard of conduct? Remember the commercials themselves years 13 - 15. You just craved possible conflict with everyone, when they wanted to prove a point! You dreamed of the new discoveries that will shake the world!
No need to try to ensure that any move to make your custom neyrobicheskim. It is enough multiple jobs from a specific section. But neyrobika neyrobikoy and forget about the traditional training of the mind is not: the solution of crosswords and puzzles, reading popular science literature, the development of foreign languages, traveling around the country and the world, dialogue will benefit greatly
. Without leaving your home
Moving in absolute darkness for a sighted person is like a little adventure. You can try to walk around the apartment with her eyes closed, take a shower or get dressed. Such simple exercise not only develops concentration and attention. Methods of artificial blindness neyrobike technique called "Bat».
In order to encourage the work of both hemispheres of the brain, you need to simply change hands, to perform certain habitual movements. That is, from time to time to tie shoelaces, to open the door, buttoning a shirt, brushing your teeth or taking a cup of "unfamiliar hand." Righties useful at least a couple of lines in the day to write with his left hand and left-handers -. Right
Play with sound
There are many exercises associated with sounds. For example, you can record on tape a variety of sounds that occur on the way to work in the shop, in the office, around the house, in a cafe or elsewhere. Then you need to gather family or friends and try to guess exactly where a particular sound has been recorded.
supermarket Most people moving to the supermarket pre-determined route. Therefore, as a first exercise in a supermarket neyrobika offers change of the route - with the familiar to the opposite. Furthermore, it should change habitual ways of shelves will fall survey and if any new product, take it in hand and explore.
If a lot of time and want to have some fun, then a joint trip to the supermarket can be turned into a real adventure. To do this, on pieces of paper a list of products, using only their product description. For example, Borodino bread and butter can be written as:. "The dark fragrant oblong, sprinkle with seasoning, and for him a yellow, rectangular, melting in the heat»
And if you have a long wait in line, you can try to determine the denomination of the coin on its size.
On holiday
Rest periods (weekends, holidays) are most favorable in order to properly train the brain. For example, to get acquainted with the local cuisine, memorizing the names of restaurants, dishes and their ingredients. Another interesting exercise - to observe the local population. You can look for something common to them, or to consider the characteristics of each person. However, the brain is at rest and it will be hard work, paying attention to all unusual, whether landscapes, windows with signs and even traffic signs.
However, to make the brain "rock" is not necessarily to go abroad - in the vast country, the region and even the city can find a lot of unexplored places that you can go to learn
. The study of language
Foreign Language - a great stimulant for the brain, as in the course of its study are utilized almost all the senses. Getting to know a new language and, as a consequence, a new culture gives the brain an endless stream of new experiences and material for work and development.
Do not despair, if you did not get to learn a foreign language. You can learn sign language to help form the cerebral cortex new connections, responsible for interpersonal communication and vocabulary of language. Yes, and the coordination of movements after this training has certainly improved.