Small fascinating test of the Dalai Lama

Take paper and pencil and write down the answers. You will need it at the end. Answers have to be honest, it helps to know a lot about what / where you in fact.
1. Place the animals in a manner consistent with your relation to them (who like more):
a. cow
b. tiger
at. sheep
of horse d. pig
2. Write one definition (adjective 1 each):
dog b. cat
at. rat
of coffee
d. Sea
3. Think of someone (who knows you and who is important to you), and correlate them with certain colors (do not repeat the answer twice, select only one person for each color):
a. yellow
b. orange
at. red
Mr. White
g. green
Make sure that your answers are what you really feel ... Now see the results!
► Here's what the / and you in my life. These are your priorities.
... Cow - career
... Tiger - honor / dignity
... Sheep - love
... Horse - family
... Pig - money
► Your animals - a description ...
... Dogs - himself
... Cats - partner
... Rats - the enemy
... Coffee - your interest in sex
... Sea - Your life
► Your colors - the people who are in your life
... Yellow - someone who you never forget
... Orange - someone whom you think is the best friend
... Red - someone you really love
... White - your twin on
spirit ... Green - the one whom you will remember for the rest of his days