Condition feminine flow: what is it and how to come to him?
The most important thing in a woman - is the internal state. You can know how to cook well and dress beautifully, but if we can not create a state of flux inside - it is useless. All of this would be unnecessary. From all this good you will get tired, it will not bring happiness.
A man loves a woman it is a state. That condition, which she creates with his energy, with his presence. It can make it very fast, but can - reassure. It may inspire, it can kill all aspirations. And of course, he will worship a woman, close to where he becomes a hero. This is another reason why you need to learn to manage the condition.
What is a harmonious condition of the woman? Status flow. When everything happens by itself, it is only a dream. When you do what you can, and the rest is built. When miracles happen - big and small. And in spite of everything - kindness. calm ocean.
When you're in the flow - a special state. An example of just one day of my life, who tossed me different tasks, but the condition has changed a lot. Almost all.
For example, in the morning I went on business, leaving dad with kids. While I did not have - a husband rested. Houses a mess for a second day. I'm relaxed. Force cleaning not. What experience. Nothing, even her husband did not. He took and put the whole house. For forty minutes. Even a little surprised by his speed :) From me it was necessary - as it turned out a little - listen to it all the time, he shared his ideas. And silent. Oh yeah, make tea, and praise! That's all. And could begin to require assistance, whining, screaming. What's the point? It would be the result? There would be peace in the family?
In the stream I and other reactions. In one day it happens already two situations where it is possible to fight for the right. I ordered a gift to another city paid. A day later I get a call and say that I chose the wrong city. Surely just messed up technically site - because I know that I chose. It was possible to start the engine and quarrel. It does not become. Easy to pay extra for delivery. That's all. The husband in this place helped - ask again - do you want to be right or do you it is important that the person has received a gift
? And then the Internet. For two days he was not working, and he told us, of course, necessary. Yes, there are mobile - but it's not such a speed limit traffic. And it is not very convenient. I called landlords promised to solve during the day - nothing. The next day, in the evening - nothing. All the same. You can swear - that forgotten and remembered only after the second call on us. And you can relax. Well, okay. Well, that is the mobile Internet. Even without home borrow less garbage, less than the cartoons, only the important things. Quiet inside. Good. Energy in safety. Without proof of rightness.
I like to state here that stream, very much. It so much power - not the crushing and calm. Exactly force. Women. How did it start? Where does?
THREE key to the state of rest
The first key to this state - this communion with nature. Spend a day in nature, and in a lot of energy. Which is lacking in the cities and hectic. A simple walk among ancient trees, on the ground barefoot, sit on it - even if it is not so warm. And power becomes much. Grace very much once inside. There is something to share.
In the cities, nature is very small, small parks, a little greenery. The air is quite different. Energy is not appeasing, and boils. Rages, factories, it captures in some whirlpool. Even sleep in the city difficult, worse. Nature also happens to oxygen intoxication. Heart cleaned and filled. The problems go away, the person relaxes. And more importantly, what will you do with this inner fullness. What are you to direct it? Just will live - or share with the world
. Because as the second key to the state of flow - is the ability to give. Giving to others. After all, we often try to take - and more. I, me, mine. We are looking for the benefits of self-interest. And then the other way around. Looking for opportunities to do good to others. Giving gifts, speak kind words. It's nice to give people more than they expect. I sincerely thank the taxi drivers who very carefully driven. The woman in the window FMS heartily thank - surely she rarely say thank you. In general, try to smile to each person met up. As my husband - to create an imbalance of kindness around
. Give more than you receive. And do not expect. Download the world with kindness forward. Become the first link of big changes. Good and happy taxi driver will take as much care someone else will say a few warm words. His passenger peaceful come home - and do something good for the home. And so on. And to me because it is easy. From me does not decrease, it is because I share the abundance. Abundance in the world, good, light. Now that a lot in me. I give - and more is coming. Many times more. And I'm back in the flow. And the world becomes better.
But there is a third important key. Without which the first two will give a temporary effect. This state can not be created within itself, if there is no faith in a higher power. Most people have an opinion that all you need to achieve the most. And we are making. Themselves. We do not believe in miracles, do not expect them. And even related to "being in the flow," the phrase could be negative. Kind of like "go with the flow." When a person is trying to himself his life to "do" a lot of energy spent on something that actually he did not really need.
In the Vedas it is said that the Lord fulfills the desires of everyone. It's true. Just some wishes come true at once, you need to wait. Some we lock themselves their fears - when the fear of too much. Some we block that very actively to seek him. Especially it concerns the fact that we can not control - get pregnant, get married, have a baby. In these places, the more brains and effort - the worse. Here especially needed flow. When everything happens by itself - comes the right man, the soul of the child comes, childbirth occurs easier
. Status flow - is the foundation. The basis to feel happy, to fulfill his dream, to be a woman. A stream, you can establish any relationship, be peaceful, relaxed and happy.
Remember that a woman - a river. And so the state of the stream - it is truly feminine. Men, too, is the flow. But other. A more vigorous and rapid. With whirlpools and rapids. We have a good flow will bring.
Female flow - a state of inner strength, calm and confident. Needs no proof. For the benefit of all sentient beings. Managed higher powers. Our task - not to interfere with the flow to be in us. His brains invented standards, fears. Just do not get in the way.
A man loves a woman it is a state. That condition, which she creates with his energy, with his presence. It can make it very fast, but can - reassure. It may inspire, it can kill all aspirations. And of course, he will worship a woman, close to where he becomes a hero. This is another reason why you need to learn to manage the condition.

What is a harmonious condition of the woman? Status flow. When everything happens by itself, it is only a dream. When you do what you can, and the rest is built. When miracles happen - big and small. And in spite of everything - kindness. calm ocean.
When you're in the flow - a special state. An example of just one day of my life, who tossed me different tasks, but the condition has changed a lot. Almost all.
For example, in the morning I went on business, leaving dad with kids. While I did not have - a husband rested. Houses a mess for a second day. I'm relaxed. Force cleaning not. What experience. Nothing, even her husband did not. He took and put the whole house. For forty minutes. Even a little surprised by his speed :) From me it was necessary - as it turned out a little - listen to it all the time, he shared his ideas. And silent. Oh yeah, make tea, and praise! That's all. And could begin to require assistance, whining, screaming. What's the point? It would be the result? There would be peace in the family?
In the stream I and other reactions. In one day it happens already two situations where it is possible to fight for the right. I ordered a gift to another city paid. A day later I get a call and say that I chose the wrong city. Surely just messed up technically site - because I know that I chose. It was possible to start the engine and quarrel. It does not become. Easy to pay extra for delivery. That's all. The husband in this place helped - ask again - do you want to be right or do you it is important that the person has received a gift
? And then the Internet. For two days he was not working, and he told us, of course, necessary. Yes, there are mobile - but it's not such a speed limit traffic. And it is not very convenient. I called landlords promised to solve during the day - nothing. The next day, in the evening - nothing. All the same. You can swear - that forgotten and remembered only after the second call on us. And you can relax. Well, okay. Well, that is the mobile Internet. Even without home borrow less garbage, less than the cartoons, only the important things. Quiet inside. Good. Energy in safety. Without proof of rightness.
I like to state here that stream, very much. It so much power - not the crushing and calm. Exactly force. Women. How did it start? Where does?
THREE key to the state of rest
The first key to this state - this communion with nature. Spend a day in nature, and in a lot of energy. Which is lacking in the cities and hectic. A simple walk among ancient trees, on the ground barefoot, sit on it - even if it is not so warm. And power becomes much. Grace very much once inside. There is something to share.
In the cities, nature is very small, small parks, a little greenery. The air is quite different. Energy is not appeasing, and boils. Rages, factories, it captures in some whirlpool. Even sleep in the city difficult, worse. Nature also happens to oxygen intoxication. Heart cleaned and filled. The problems go away, the person relaxes. And more importantly, what will you do with this inner fullness. What are you to direct it? Just will live - or share with the world
. Because as the second key to the state of flow - is the ability to give. Giving to others. After all, we often try to take - and more. I, me, mine. We are looking for the benefits of self-interest. And then the other way around. Looking for opportunities to do good to others. Giving gifts, speak kind words. It's nice to give people more than they expect. I sincerely thank the taxi drivers who very carefully driven. The woman in the window FMS heartily thank - surely she rarely say thank you. In general, try to smile to each person met up. As my husband - to create an imbalance of kindness around
. Give more than you receive. And do not expect. Download the world with kindness forward. Become the first link of big changes. Good and happy taxi driver will take as much care someone else will say a few warm words. His passenger peaceful come home - and do something good for the home. And so on. And to me because it is easy. From me does not decrease, it is because I share the abundance. Abundance in the world, good, light. Now that a lot in me. I give - and more is coming. Many times more. And I'm back in the flow. And the world becomes better.
But there is a third important key. Without which the first two will give a temporary effect. This state can not be created within itself, if there is no faith in a higher power. Most people have an opinion that all you need to achieve the most. And we are making. Themselves. We do not believe in miracles, do not expect them. And even related to "being in the flow," the phrase could be negative. Kind of like "go with the flow." When a person is trying to himself his life to "do" a lot of energy spent on something that actually he did not really need.
In the Vedas it is said that the Lord fulfills the desires of everyone. It's true. Just some wishes come true at once, you need to wait. Some we lock themselves their fears - when the fear of too much. Some we block that very actively to seek him. Especially it concerns the fact that we can not control - get pregnant, get married, have a baby. In these places, the more brains and effort - the worse. Here especially needed flow. When everything happens by itself - comes the right man, the soul of the child comes, childbirth occurs easier
. Status flow - is the foundation. The basis to feel happy, to fulfill his dream, to be a woman. A stream, you can establish any relationship, be peaceful, relaxed and happy.
Remember that a woman - a river. And so the state of the stream - it is truly feminine. Men, too, is the flow. But other. A more vigorous and rapid. With whirlpools and rapids. We have a good flow will bring.
Female flow - a state of inner strength, calm and confident. Needs no proof. For the benefit of all sentient beings. Managed higher powers. Our task - not to interfere with the flow to be in us. His brains invented standards, fears. Just do not get in the way.