As the relationship with her father affect the lives of women
Girl and twelve emotionally very strongly linked to the Pope, it expects it to attention and love even more than the mother. In this period it is extremely important that the father realizes itself in three persons - the King, Scientific and Caring Pope, since through them the girl gets inner peace
. King - the father, who controls the space where the girl lives, affecting all its power and provides stability. King - a decent man in society, and its status allows the girl to feel proud, full of self-respect, dignity and worth
. Scientist - a father, constantly evolving and able to explore the world. Like every woman, girl considers herself the whole universe, and it is important that beside her was a man, not only constantly exploring her inner world, but also helps her to understand yourself. The scientist-father lets the girl all the time and change, opening a new face, always be interesting in the eyes of men.
The third hypostasis - a caring and loving father - who always support and caress. He shook at the knees, tell a story and give the sweetest feeling in the world that you can always be a little without having to worry about anything. Be sure that you take care of, to feel worthy of attention, respect and always allow yourself to be different - this is what gives the girl's father, ideally
. However, we are not always due to various circumstances, get what we need from their fathers.
But now, in your mind you can get from his father that he nedodal you as a child. The most important thing is to feel deeply and to replace in the memory the old memories with new images.
Think about the incarnation of your father have been developed more and which less? Remember your dad, the King, the Pope, Scientist and caring Dad ... What emotions each of them brings to you?
If you rarely feel the care and affection of his father, remember those moments when he showed affection for you and experiencing them again, vividly and emotionally. And if these moments there, imagine them in your mind, as it could be ... For example, you sit on his lap, and he reads you a story, and you have fun laughing, feeling carefree, happy, beloved ... Create a mental picture itself in the company of his caring Pope, stay in it as long as necessary to ensure that the necessary emotions you settled in your soul and do have more of it never left.
If you do not feel pride for his father, remember, it may be in your child, yet there were times when you felt that your father the king? When you feel his power and authority? Remember them and live again, vividly and emotionally, remembering my dad that way. Or create a similar picture of life in his imagination, where you, little girl, I feel that your father - a master of the world, that everything is subject to him, and a sense of pride overwhelms you
! If you do not have enough in his childhood his father's interest in what was happening in your inner world, and Dad did not help you to understand your feelings, you did not have confidence conversations about life, then imagine how it could be ... Tell us now his imagination the Pope about his childhood fears, thoughts, feelings, open his own inner world and feel his interest in it. Maybe your dad in my heart really wanted to know what happened to his little daughter, but he was prevented from its internal systems, doubt or belief that the role of the father is another.
Feel Now unity with his father, he will get the support right now to the extent that you need, and be happy!
. King - the father, who controls the space where the girl lives, affecting all its power and provides stability. King - a decent man in society, and its status allows the girl to feel proud, full of self-respect, dignity and worth
. Scientist - a father, constantly evolving and able to explore the world. Like every woman, girl considers herself the whole universe, and it is important that beside her was a man, not only constantly exploring her inner world, but also helps her to understand yourself. The scientist-father lets the girl all the time and change, opening a new face, always be interesting in the eyes of men.

The third hypostasis - a caring and loving father - who always support and caress. He shook at the knees, tell a story and give the sweetest feeling in the world that you can always be a little without having to worry about anything. Be sure that you take care of, to feel worthy of attention, respect and always allow yourself to be different - this is what gives the girl's father, ideally
. However, we are not always due to various circumstances, get what we need from their fathers.
But now, in your mind you can get from his father that he nedodal you as a child. The most important thing is to feel deeply and to replace in the memory the old memories with new images.
Think about the incarnation of your father have been developed more and which less? Remember your dad, the King, the Pope, Scientist and caring Dad ... What emotions each of them brings to you?
If you rarely feel the care and affection of his father, remember those moments when he showed affection for you and experiencing them again, vividly and emotionally. And if these moments there, imagine them in your mind, as it could be ... For example, you sit on his lap, and he reads you a story, and you have fun laughing, feeling carefree, happy, beloved ... Create a mental picture itself in the company of his caring Pope, stay in it as long as necessary to ensure that the necessary emotions you settled in your soul and do have more of it never left.
If you do not feel pride for his father, remember, it may be in your child, yet there were times when you felt that your father the king? When you feel his power and authority? Remember them and live again, vividly and emotionally, remembering my dad that way. Or create a similar picture of life in his imagination, where you, little girl, I feel that your father - a master of the world, that everything is subject to him, and a sense of pride overwhelms you
! If you do not have enough in his childhood his father's interest in what was happening in your inner world, and Dad did not help you to understand your feelings, you did not have confidence conversations about life, then imagine how it could be ... Tell us now his imagination the Pope about his childhood fears, thoughts, feelings, open his own inner world and feel his interest in it. Maybe your dad in my heart really wanted to know what happened to his little daughter, but he was prevented from its internal systems, doubt or belief that the role of the father is another.
Feel Now unity with his father, he will get the support right now to the extent that you need, and be happy!