And you have earned at his wife
She knows where to buy the best chicken, and regularly drait floors. She does it out of love for you. And how underrated this work is actually worth?
Reports: an ordinary woman provides services to 135 366 rubles a month. That is, if without the kids! Now will show you a detailed calculation, and the work performed does not fit in the often male-sounding formula of ". Fairy - 10 thousand per month, that's the whole price Women»
Let's start with the food, so that men do not like to cook. Cook: 30 000 RUR / month. Plus for the New Year and the birthday of her beloved husband - the big feast. Services on-site cook dinner - about 9000 rubles. Two feasts during the year - 18 000 rubles / year, that is an additional 1500 rubles / month. accrue housewife for a table and a chilled strong drink.
Housekeeper takes on average 2000 rubles. For check, 500 rubles. for washing and ironing, it is called once a week. Give 10 000 rub. / Month. beloved - for a clean cozy apartment. Plus another 666 rubles / month. - For washing windows, which are not included in the standard cleaning (4 000 rubles per one-bedroom apartment in the window, twice a year.). Ori, it turns out, the cleanliness of the apartment is 10 666 rubles. / Mo.!
Favorite home wife should listen and comfort her husband: his chief - asshole and big projects in mind, it should be a pat on the head and ask him the right questions. The therapist takes an hour somewhere in 2000 rubles., Ie it is 33 rubles a minute. Assume that the beloved husband complains of the hardships of life only after work and only for 20 minutes. That is: 20 (min.) * 20 (working days in the month) * 33 (RUB). = 13 200 rbl. / Month. - For the intimacy of the form "you carefully listen to me and say that I have done", which - alas - the dream of many men
. But a good marriage requires not only mental, but physical intimacy. About four hours of physical intimacy in a month - let's be realistic, it there twice a week, God forbid, a man strong, half-hour, then have an hour a week of sex. A pro on the road takes about 5 000 rubles for travel for two hours. If you cynics such things, equate honest housewife to a prostitute, she betray those 10 000 RUR / month for love.
Housewife is considered to be a woman who does not do anything, and so she does everything: coming up with design apartments, buys her husband a sweater, going the whole family, and presents his mother keeps the house in working order - causing plumbers / electricians, dealing with all the family documents, plans to leave, carries laptop husband repaired ... But, as it deals with all of this is not eight hours a day, we will make in the price list of the combined services of a personal assistant, designer, shopping escort, control house, event manager and travel agent at a relatively low rate: 70 000 RUR / month.
TOTAL: 135 366 rubles / month.. you, whether the world is just, would have paid for the services of food, accommodation and flowers on March 8 you selflessly and with all diligence has woman-wife.
Men do not become cynical. Do not hammer on love. This is the love you save more than one million per year.
And I still price-wife's mother is not included, there is generally a price tag so that wobbled!
Well, think - if you have paid at market rates, you would be able to afford a wife? None.
So we go to the dirty, hungry, with gastritis, terribly dressed, and stick to all passers-by with stories:
- You know, I have a boss - asshole! Listen to me, please! I have no money for a psychoanalyst!
And passers-by would have shied away, saying, "Oh, look how many accidents nezhenatikov is now divorced ....»
Author: Maxim Alyoshin
Reports: an ordinary woman provides services to 135 366 rubles a month. That is, if without the kids! Now will show you a detailed calculation, and the work performed does not fit in the often male-sounding formula of ". Fairy - 10 thousand per month, that's the whole price Women»
Let's start with the food, so that men do not like to cook. Cook: 30 000 RUR / month. Plus for the New Year and the birthday of her beloved husband - the big feast. Services on-site cook dinner - about 9000 rubles. Two feasts during the year - 18 000 rubles / year, that is an additional 1500 rubles / month. accrue housewife for a table and a chilled strong drink.
Housekeeper takes on average 2000 rubles. For check, 500 rubles. for washing and ironing, it is called once a week. Give 10 000 rub. / Month. beloved - for a clean cozy apartment. Plus another 666 rubles / month. - For washing windows, which are not included in the standard cleaning (4 000 rubles per one-bedroom apartment in the window, twice a year.). Ori, it turns out, the cleanliness of the apartment is 10 666 rubles. / Mo.!

Favorite home wife should listen and comfort her husband: his chief - asshole and big projects in mind, it should be a pat on the head and ask him the right questions. The therapist takes an hour somewhere in 2000 rubles., Ie it is 33 rubles a minute. Assume that the beloved husband complains of the hardships of life only after work and only for 20 minutes. That is: 20 (min.) * 20 (working days in the month) * 33 (RUB). = 13 200 rbl. / Month. - For the intimacy of the form "you carefully listen to me and say that I have done", which - alas - the dream of many men
. But a good marriage requires not only mental, but physical intimacy. About four hours of physical intimacy in a month - let's be realistic, it there twice a week, God forbid, a man strong, half-hour, then have an hour a week of sex. A pro on the road takes about 5 000 rubles for travel for two hours. If you cynics such things, equate honest housewife to a prostitute, she betray those 10 000 RUR / month for love.
Housewife is considered to be a woman who does not do anything, and so she does everything: coming up with design apartments, buys her husband a sweater, going the whole family, and presents his mother keeps the house in working order - causing plumbers / electricians, dealing with all the family documents, plans to leave, carries laptop husband repaired ... But, as it deals with all of this is not eight hours a day, we will make in the price list of the combined services of a personal assistant, designer, shopping escort, control house, event manager and travel agent at a relatively low rate: 70 000 RUR / month.
TOTAL: 135 366 rubles / month.. you, whether the world is just, would have paid for the services of food, accommodation and flowers on March 8 you selflessly and with all diligence has woman-wife.
Men do not become cynical. Do not hammer on love. This is the love you save more than one million per year.
And I still price-wife's mother is not included, there is generally a price tag so that wobbled!
Well, think - if you have paid at market rates, you would be able to afford a wife? None.
So we go to the dirty, hungry, with gastritis, terribly dressed, and stick to all passers-by with stories:
- You know, I have a boss - asshole! Listen to me, please! I have no money for a psychoanalyst!
And passers-by would have shied away, saying, "Oh, look how many accidents nezhenatikov is now divorced ....»
Author: Maxim Alyoshin