The impact on the fate of the child's education, or during pregnancy
Education during pregnancy
Unfortunately, it is very few people pay attention, and in fact the state of the expectant mother, when she bears a child, often has a decisive influence on his fate.
It is difficult to say what effect on the future status of the child's mother - her feelings about the death of the previous child, scandals with her husband or in-law. Some women take on the first months of pregnancy toxic substances in order to achieve spontaneous abortion. The material I have little in this regard.
But all children photos mothers who would like to erase them, they had quite a sad expression on his face almost throughout life. In everyday consciousness, and in science there is an opinion, or rather the myth that a child before birth, in the womb, is not subject to a mental injury, and lives in paradise, it is not even necessary to educate him. Thank God, this myth is already beginning to dispel.
Now science, there is an opinion that the wrong education in the early years of life forms maloadaptivny character and pathological scenario which at best leads to disease neurosis and psychosomatic disorders. But there is a view (Stanislav Groff), that the psychological trauma, not only somatic disease that carries his mother when the baby bears, and passed him.
Some see this as the cause of more severe disease than the neuroses, such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, alcoholism and drug addiction. They offer the following treatment method, which currently has the title of "second birth" (S. Groff) and "Primary Scream" (V. Yanov). Using certain techniques (rapid breathing) a person falls into a state in which he was when he was in the womb. During these sessions, it is cleared from the "filth", which was struck when he was in the womb, as it were born again, freed from the complex.
At one time, this method of treatment was in vogue. I myself have studied them a little, and I can state that certain achievements while there. And now I sometimes recommend to undergo such a procedure to their wards, but he do not do it. So, any sensation in the calf muscles. Apparently, it is because in some cases parts. But my observations allowed to come to some other conclusion. I think what is often called a neurosis pregnant, actually is an external expression of neuroticism woman who has been compensated prior to pregnancy. When a woman has to feed two at once, and the impact on her earlier, she begins not withstand.
"Neurosis pregnant" - is another myth, in which many people live. But there is no doubt that a healthy psychologically women are more likely to give birth to a healthy baby, not only externally but also internally. This suggests that the child should be brought up in the mother's womb. This involved some wise expectant mothers who talk with their children, especially after 4-5 months, when they are already beginning to stir. They praise their children and apologizing that they could not understand their claims. We offer our vospitannitsam also set at this time, and your children questions to answer himself.
When the answers coincide with the desire of the child, the children begin to behave calmly. I still do not have enough observations to prove statistically justify this approach. However, some good examples already exist.
I want to bring such a case.
G. Young woman, 27, visited several of our seminars with her husband. Their relationship became rather quickly good, and they decided to have a baby. Two weeks before the birth, she came to us on a five-day seminar. She at that time there was one problem, namely, the oblique position of the fetus. It raises the question of cesarean section instead of vaginal delivery. She began to talk to the child according to our method. On the third day of the fetal position had improved. The birth went as usual and safely.
Who is the girl of 6 years. She brings her mother, according to our recommendations. The child develops, exceeding the average rate. Yet no ill already been feasible employment. There is no doubt that the future mothers should be raised so that they get rid of neuroticism traits in his personality structure, then in a state of pregnancy, they will be calm and will not cause involuntary mental trauma to his fruit.
So, many of our patients with an unfavorable scenario began to emerge even from the time when their parents found each other, and continued, apparently, its formation during fetal development. By the time of the birth of these children have a tendency to could appear low self-esteem (JA). To close (YOU) formed positive content. Already, we can assume to earn the mother's attention to such children have or learn well or get sick often, and maybe both.
By the way, the arguments of those who oppose abortion to me now more apparent. After abortion - like it or not, and murder. Man's Murder. It is different from a newborn fetus only in quantitative terms. LIFE program is already fully established immediately after conception. Realize it is necessary, it urgently requires its implementation.
We have expressed these ideas about 5 years ago. Now the scientific literature are fairly accurate information about the fruit in the second half of pregnancy responds to music, speech and scandals of their loved ones.
Somehow Makarenko asked one woman, whose child was two weeks, when you need to start to raise a child. He told her that she was late for two weeks. In light of the current data it would be possible to tell her that she was late for a lot of years.
Unfortunately, it is very few people pay attention, and in fact the state of the expectant mother, when she bears a child, often has a decisive influence on his fate.
It is difficult to say what effect on the future status of the child's mother - her feelings about the death of the previous child, scandals with her husband or in-law. Some women take on the first months of pregnancy toxic substances in order to achieve spontaneous abortion. The material I have little in this regard.
But all children photos mothers who would like to erase them, they had quite a sad expression on his face almost throughout life. In everyday consciousness, and in science there is an opinion, or rather the myth that a child before birth, in the womb, is not subject to a mental injury, and lives in paradise, it is not even necessary to educate him. Thank God, this myth is already beginning to dispel.
Now science, there is an opinion that the wrong education in the early years of life forms maloadaptivny character and pathological scenario which at best leads to disease neurosis and psychosomatic disorders. But there is a view (Stanislav Groff), that the psychological trauma, not only somatic disease that carries his mother when the baby bears, and passed him.

Some see this as the cause of more severe disease than the neuroses, such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, alcoholism and drug addiction. They offer the following treatment method, which currently has the title of "second birth" (S. Groff) and "Primary Scream" (V. Yanov). Using certain techniques (rapid breathing) a person falls into a state in which he was when he was in the womb. During these sessions, it is cleared from the "filth", which was struck when he was in the womb, as it were born again, freed from the complex.
At one time, this method of treatment was in vogue. I myself have studied them a little, and I can state that certain achievements while there. And now I sometimes recommend to undergo such a procedure to their wards, but he do not do it. So, any sensation in the calf muscles. Apparently, it is because in some cases parts. But my observations allowed to come to some other conclusion. I think what is often called a neurosis pregnant, actually is an external expression of neuroticism woman who has been compensated prior to pregnancy. When a woman has to feed two at once, and the impact on her earlier, she begins not withstand.
"Neurosis pregnant" - is another myth, in which many people live. But there is no doubt that a healthy psychologically women are more likely to give birth to a healthy baby, not only externally but also internally. This suggests that the child should be brought up in the mother's womb. This involved some wise expectant mothers who talk with their children, especially after 4-5 months, when they are already beginning to stir. They praise their children and apologizing that they could not understand their claims. We offer our vospitannitsam also set at this time, and your children questions to answer himself.
When the answers coincide with the desire of the child, the children begin to behave calmly. I still do not have enough observations to prove statistically justify this approach. However, some good examples already exist.
I want to bring such a case.
G. Young woman, 27, visited several of our seminars with her husband. Their relationship became rather quickly good, and they decided to have a baby. Two weeks before the birth, she came to us on a five-day seminar. She at that time there was one problem, namely, the oblique position of the fetus. It raises the question of cesarean section instead of vaginal delivery. She began to talk to the child according to our method. On the third day of the fetal position had improved. The birth went as usual and safely.
Who is the girl of 6 years. She brings her mother, according to our recommendations. The child develops, exceeding the average rate. Yet no ill already been feasible employment. There is no doubt that the future mothers should be raised so that they get rid of neuroticism traits in his personality structure, then in a state of pregnancy, they will be calm and will not cause involuntary mental trauma to his fruit.
So, many of our patients with an unfavorable scenario began to emerge even from the time when their parents found each other, and continued, apparently, its formation during fetal development. By the time of the birth of these children have a tendency to could appear low self-esteem (JA). To close (YOU) formed positive content. Already, we can assume to earn the mother's attention to such children have or learn well or get sick often, and maybe both.
By the way, the arguments of those who oppose abortion to me now more apparent. After abortion - like it or not, and murder. Man's Murder. It is different from a newborn fetus only in quantitative terms. LIFE program is already fully established immediately after conception. Realize it is necessary, it urgently requires its implementation.
We have expressed these ideas about 5 years ago. Now the scientific literature are fairly accurate information about the fruit in the second half of pregnancy responds to music, speech and scandals of their loved ones.
Somehow Makarenko asked one woman, whose child was two weeks, when you need to start to raise a child. He told her that she was late for two weeks. In light of the current data it would be possible to tell her that she was late for a lot of years.
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