Syroednoe Olivier

Always loved Olivier, and always knew that I loved it because there have green peas! :) Raw peas taste better preserved, and of course, a hundred times more useful! Find the frozen peas can be at any time of the year! In Japan, I found the frozen green peas organic, delicious and affordable. Salad is very tender and tasty, the main thing to do it to your taste, so it is important to make a delicious mayonnaise.
Syroednoe Olivier
Ingredients (5-6 servings)
onions (preferably sweet varieties) 1/2 medium onion
pear (can substitute sour apple) 1 pc
1 ripe avocado pieces
green peas 1 cup
1 pc cucumber (fresh or salted)
1/3 medium carrot * for the color, it is possible and without it
1 bunch dill
1/3 cup green onions (finely chopped)
syroedny mayonnaise 1/2 cup or 1
Onions finely cut or chop in a food processor. If you can not find sweet onions, then better to use less, do not overdo it. Pear cut into cubes. Ripe, soft avocado crush with a fork until a homogeneous slurry. If frozen green peas, you can defrost it in warm water. Cucumber cut into small cubes. Carrots I added just for color, very finely chop it on a small grater. Dill finely chop. Green onions are easy to grow on a windowsill at home, just put the bulb into the water, and she quickly will the greens. Green onions finely chopped. All the ingredients mix well and put in the desired shape. You can use tin, cake tins with removable ports or cookie cutters to make flat round / square salad on a plate. Garnish can be herbs, peas, mayonnaise, red / pink pepper, black salt and flowers. :)
Bon appetit!

SYROEDCHESKY Salad "Olivier" - 3 options RECIPE!
Promo ckazka syroedcheskogo recipe salad from Terracotta Restaurant