According to the magazine "The attending physician» №07 / 08
The amount of iron, coming in during the day with the food contains about 10-12 mg of iron (heme + non-heme), but only 1-1, 2 mg of trace element of this amount is absorbed. It is established that the bioavailability of heme iron is higher than from non-heme compounds, and 25-30% in food products.
Most of the iron coming from the non-heme form of food presented. The bioavailability of iron from cereals, legumes, tubers, vegetables and fruits is significantly lower than from heme compounds, and largely depends on the predominance in the diet of the factors inhibiting or potentiating intestinal ferroabsorbtsiyu.
Previously, it was believed that iron deficiency can be eliminated by prescribing diet containing apples, buckwheat, grenades and other plant-derived foods that contain iron. However, in the 60-ies. Twentieth century, researchers have shown that the iron contained in the products in the form of heme (meat, liver, fish), is better absorbed in the body than other compounds.
Natural prevention of iron deficiency anemia in young infants is exclusive breastfeeding up to 4-6 months. It is known that the iron concentration in human milk is only 0, 2-0, 4 mg / l, but the iron absorption thereof reaches 50%, which provides a child's need first 4-6 months.
IDA in infants is associated with the early use of the food in cow's or goat's milk containing high levels of protein.