Does the fountain of youth is found?
Raw food diet. Injections of hormones. All these people try to "cure" old age.
Dr. Mario Kirayzis, head of the British Society (British Longevity Society), outlined his vision for the future: "At present, there are 10 people in the world at the age of 110 years and this figure will soon grow from ten to 500 people, and then to 1000. Slowly we begin live up to 115 years, and then to 120 and 125. slowly the number of people who have reached this age, will grow, and thus we will be able to reach the age - 500 years
. Of course, people will also die from illnesses, accidents on the road or at the hands of terrorists, but not from old age.
Death defines our culture. For example, the Dutch decorated their graves and put the body as if to go into the other life.
Today we are no longer trying to make the death of spiritual significance, but also desperately trying to avoid it.
American billionaire David Murdock, 88, plans to live to 125 years, just eating fruits and vegetables in liquid form, avoiding dairy products and meat, providing daily sun dose for the formation of vitamin D in the body and, of course, an hour of exercises - those things which most doctors agree. His passion for healthy eating started after his third wife's death from cancer, after which he also founded several institutions dealing with food issues.
The question of longevity is controversial among scientists and the public, but most scientists agree on one thing - the end of the century, mankind will be able to achieve longevity of the unknown, and possibly immortality
. In the photo:
Foggia Singh, 101-year-old British marathon runner
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