What else I would like to draw your attention, dear friends. We can all make their own conclusions, if a little simply observe the children. You do not need to leave the village, and the couch is not very necessary to get up. It is enough to turn your head towards the children that are nearby.
For example, to look out into the courtyard of the high-rise window of his apartment and watch a little bit. Children are very small, and the older age of 6, for example, a walk in the yard, talking to each other. Look, do they eat? Do kids need to explore sit down with each other at the common table and eat? Children may well talk, play, go without food!
We, too, you were kids. When we decided that for communication, information exchange, a pleasant pastime, we need to be sure to eat? In the cafe, restaurant, home in the kitchen, on the grass in the park - and then we drag the basket with food. Are we so hungry all the time our lives? By the way, one of the most important recommendations of Ayurvedic cooking is a piece of advice: never eat in public places, as, from the point of view of the ancient science of health, eating - it intimate
! Everywhere pours upon us not just advertising, and constant background, non-stop demonstration of what and how people eat. Analyze yourself, how many TV shows, movies we have seen, where to eat, prepare, produce a particular food. The whole system runs on it. No matter meat or soy sausages or pate of avocado and beans with garlic, which reminds all the same sausage.
And if we talk about the exit of the system, it is necessary to wait until the own consciousness not adopt a new concept of life, a new culture, which comes to the fore CREATION OF LIFE, not food! In the meantime, we are all in a system where life goes in a vicious circle. It does not matter, in the city we live in the countryside or in the manor or in an apartment in high-rise building in a posh mansion in a small house or parents, we are all in the system, where they live for food !!!
Author Alexander Chechelnitskaya