On the dangers of yeast

1) Yeast - a fungus, and baker's yeast - a fungus, is not found in nature, more stable than natural fungus, is not destroyed in the human body, the production process is processed in chlorine bleach, acidified with sulfuric acid and the like
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2) the yeast spread throughout the body through the bloodstream, which fall from the digestive tract, increases the permeability of our cells than are pathogenic microorganisms and viruses
3) baker's yeast multiply exponentially and can actively multiply and thrive pathogenic microflora, which, in turn, inhibits the normal - bacteria that can produce for us vitamins and amino acids to build their own proteins
4) the yeast becomes acidic gastric environment in the long term and, together with starches contribute to the formation of ulcers and gastritis, chronic constipation, promote the formation of stones in the liver and gallbladder, in the acidification of the medium easier to settle and prosper parasites, because of this and because of the general acidification impaired calcium absorption
5) yeast fermentation causes bloating, and followed by anatomical abnormalities, the diaphragm is no longer can properly powerful vibrations on deep breathing, stimulate the flow of blood to the lungs, sometimes due to changes in the intestine and the stomach moves and changes the shape of the gallbladder, not there is a "massage" of the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, all contribute to the rise of stagnation in the lower limbs, small pelvis, head, varicose veins, thrombosis, a further decrease in immunity
6), fungi (including yeast) able to produce, among other toxic substances, and antibiotics
7) products of the secondary metabolism of yeast secreted in small amounts in the body tissues: fusel oils, acetoin, diacetyl, butyraldehyde, isoamyl alcohol, dimethyl sulfide, etc.
. 8) fungi can settle in the intestines mycelium - a special surface layer, which is needed to accommodate the healthy microflora. The mycelial intestinal layer exfoliate only the third week of fasting, but also help fight yeast and the products of their vital activity of yeast antagonists - lactobacilli and culture of Escherichia coli (which are best and most easily obtained from the fiber raw vegetables - carrots, beets, cabbage)
As can be seen from the official public document, for the production of yeast used 36 kinds of main and auxiliary raw materials 20 species, the vast majority of which can not be called food. With the help of micronutrients for agriculture of the southern regions of the USSR and other chemicals (see. Semikhatova textbook and other. "Production of baker's yeast", M .:. Vehi. Ind., 1987), yeast are saturated with heavy metals (copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, magnesium, etc.) and the other is not always useful our flesh chemical elements (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, etc.). Their role in the process of yeast fermentation in any directories not disclosed.
This chemical mixture for the production of yeast used since the beginning of the Soviet regime, when it was necessary to feed all quickly (probably during the famine). Then about healthy eating is not accepted to think, especially about someone else. Now scientists have come to the conclusion that yeast bread is the cause of cancer. But so far, yeast bread production technology has not changed. And here it is clear, if you want to live - stop eating leavened bread.