This woman walked 16,000 kilometers from Siberia to Australia to understand who she is

Sarah Marquis was born in a small village in the north of Switzerland. In an interview with CNN traveler admitted that he always aspired to a special union with nature: "Yes, it's my childhood. When I was little, I could one go to the forest early in the morning and always discover something new ".In 8 years Sarah Marquis took his dog, ran away into the woods and spent the night in a cave. The older she got, the more difficult it was directions. On foot it crossed New Zealand, the USA, took place of 14 000 km on the Australian outback and overcome the Andes. In 2010, Sarah went to their most complex and exciting trip. < She wanted to understand the nature and truly realize who she is.
Website tells the amazing journey of Sarah.
The three-year road began in Siberia. Sarah went through the Gobi Desert, China, Laos and Thailand. From Thailand to Australia, a woman was getting on board a cargo ship en route to Brisbane. All Australia Sarah Marquis walked and ended their journey in the desert near the tree. It was his Sarah discovered 10 years ago, during another campaign.

Gobi Desert Sarah managed to cross only the third popytki.

«During one of my stops this nomad appeared out of nowhere and offered me a cigarette," - recalls Markiz.

«It was very cold and windy. Sometimes I doubt that I will be able to survive at such low temperatures, especially at night "- Sarah talks about Gobi.

difficult passage through the desert in the southern part of the desert Sarah faced by scientists who We have been studying snow leopards. Sometimes they are installed infrared cameras in the mountains to get pictures of animals in their natural environment obitaniya.

body women faced with enormous difficulties. The Laotian jungle Sarah suffered tropical lihoradku.

DJ - a true companion of Sarah, who has overcome with it all the way from Siberia to Avstralii.

Endpoint three puteshestviya.

In the three years spent in the campaign, Sarah faced with many difficulties. Chief among them was the search for food. "My main goal was to get back to basics. Aborigines lived as 60,000 years ago, in constant wandering and looking for food. This proved to be damn hard ", - said Sarah

Another difficulty is not obvious in this campaign - never give the brain relax. Always need to remain vigilant, to being alone, to preserve not only the mind but also the body.
"Once, when I crossed the Gobi, somewhere at 5 am near my tent howling wolves. Rather than be frightened, I felt the moment one with nature. »
Yes, nature is not so frightened Sarah Marquis is sometimes frighten people. In some moments of the most wanted Sarah to have a male muscles. The Laotian jungle she was attacked by armed drug lords. Sometimes Marquis had to pretend to be a man to cross the territory, where women have no rights.
"In some parts of China, if the woman is alone, she is considered to be a prostitute" - Sarah says

Baggage that Sarah bore on his own shoulders the three year.
Sarah Marquis recently released a book in which he described his journey. The woman sure has done nothing special, and everyone will be able to repeat it "feat" is only really want: "Each of us is adventurer.
Remember that. " via bigpicture.ru/?p=747078
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