About Dr. Michael Greger
Michael Greger - MD, physician, author and internationally recognized professional lecturer in nutrition, food safety and public health issues. He has performed in many universities and in many workshops, including at the Conference on World Affairs (CWA) at the University of Colorado, in the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well as at the International Summit on avian influenza issues. He testified before the US Congress and was invited as an expert witness in defense of Oprah Winfrey in the infamous trial of the "discrediting of Agriculture" (when US beef producers have filed for Oprah Winfrey and Howard Lima court because of statements about the meat).
In his most recent scientific publications in the "American Journal of Preventive Medicine" in "International Food Safety journal, nutrition and public health", as well as in magazines "Biosecurity and Bioterrorism", "Critical Reviews in Microbiology", "Family Health and Community" Dr. Greger explores the impact of industrial livestock on public health.
Dr. Greger - a specialist in the field of clinical medicine and a founding member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and. He has performed on TV "Healthy Life", which promoted his last lecture on nutrition, and was awarded the teaching part of the course on nutrition Dr. Colin Campbell at Cornell University. Publications of Dr. Greger is available at NutritionFacts.org (charitable organization without commercial purposes).
The last two books of Dr. Greger: "Avian influenza: our incubation virus" and "Karbofobiya: the terrible truth about low-carb mania in America." Dr. Greger - a graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture at Cornell University Medical School and Tufts University
. All earnings Dr. sales of books, DVD-ROM drive and lectures go to charity.
Nutrition, disease, and ignorance of doctors (Dr. Michael Greger)
Raw food diet - a simple and effective system of healing the body