How to clean and heal the blood vessels?
The fact that Food misuse of their walls formed slag - the so-called cholesterol plaques. They appear mostly from animal products: fat meat, lard, butter, dairy foods are high in fat, etc.
.. From cholesterol plaques narrow the vessel lumen and become less noticeable passable. This is called atherosclerosis - you certainly have heard this word. As a result, blood is not so playfully runs through the vessels, as it should be, it has to be pushed and overcome resistance. Hence the increased pressure, worsening memory, decreased ability to work, and so on. N. To the cells supplied less oxygen and nutrients.
In this article you will learn how to make people safe and very effective means, from the comfort of your own home!
The recipe first.
In order to prepare this cleanser you should mince three - four medium fresh lemon (with peel) and four heads of garlic peeled white. Put thus prepared mass to a clean three-liter bottle and fill it with two and a half liters of purified cold water (you can use it instead of the cooled boiled water). Close the bottle kapron dense cover and leave in a warm place for three - five days, then strain the liquid is finished in a few layers of cheesecloth or a sieve and pour into a bottle of dark glass
. Take tincture ready for one - two tea spoon, stir in half a cup of water three times a day for two months
. The remaining liquid should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar (sealed cover).
Recipe second.
It should be mixed in a clean, dry container for one hundred grams of crushed herbs chamomile drug (flowers and leaves) and herbs immortelle, as well as much of birch buds. Now Put one large (dining room) finished spoon collection in a pan and pour two and a half cups of boiling purified water, then cover with a lid resulting mixture and leave it for twenty-five - forty minutes in a warm place (you can just wrap the container with the infusion of towel). After this time, strain the liquid through a sieve and add to it one teaspoon of fresh liquid honey.
Stir the mixture and drink half an hour before lunch or dinner. Approximate duration of the cleaning of the course: from two to three months
. Recipe for a third.
For the preparation of the next effective means to cleanse the blood vessels you have to fill in five full cups thawed or purified water about two hundred grams of red clover color, after which the resulting mixture to boil over low heat for about fifteen minutes. After the boiling tank to be removed from heat, cover with a towel or cover and leave in a warm place for infusion mass into two - four hours. This is followed by a drink drain and add the two teaspoons of liquid honey and two spoons of sugar.
Ready means taking one glass three times a day for thirty minutes before eating.
The duration of the cleaning of the course: from three to four months
. Recipe for a fourth.
For effective cleansing of vessels, traditional medicine recommends to eat every day for three hundred - four hundred grams of fresh or dried rowan berries
. The duration of the treatment course is from one to three months. Instead rowan You can also use wild garlic or viburnum.