Scientists: the cheese causes infertility in men

According to scientists, the whole point of occurring in the milk of female hormones that adversely affect the reproductive system of males.
Through research and surveys, it became clear that the stronger sex who consumed at least three servings of dairy products a day, sperm quality has declined by 25% compared with those who rarely ate cheese and drank the milk and cream.
Scientists say that the cheese, as well as some other high-fat dairy products are bad for fertility. Experts say it's all about female hormones contained in milk products. In a study Harvard scientists participated in 189 women aged 19 to 25 years.
Scientists have found that even small amounts of fatty dairy products most dramatically affect male fertility. Danger Scientists have shown daily diet containing one slice of cheese, a teaspoon of cream or a glass of whole milk. According to scientists, the whole point of occurring in the milk of female hormones that adversely affect the reproductive system of males.
To such a disappointing conclusion reached by Harvard researchers, who found that even small amounts of fatty dairy products most dramatically affect male fertility. Danger Scientists have shown daily diet containing one slice of cheese, a teaspoon of cream or a glass of whole milk. According to scientists, the whole point of occurring in the milk of female hormones that adversely affect the reproductive system of males.
in the US Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health compared the diets 189 women aged 19 to 25 years, informs. Each participant observation possessed excellent physical shape, had overweight and constantly involved in sports.
All volunteers filled out questionnaires, which told us that they use for a week. Also, scientists have studied the reproductive material, and volunteers. It became clear that the fertility of those who resorted to more than three servings of fatty dairy products (especially cheese) fell by a quarter.