Video review Ekotestera SOEKS

Ekotester SOEKS combines all the advantages of a dosimeter and nitrate tester. Simple actions you can quickly find out if the product is contaminated with nitrates without any problems, and the level of background radiation both on the ground as well as directly from the subject.
What's new in version 2 Ekotestere:
Now nitrate measurement mode became 2 times simpler: choose a product from the menu and start measurement. Measurement speed has decreased by 3 times. With 10 seconds to 3.
Radiation Measurement speed has decreased from 14 to 10 seconds.
Continuous operation time has increased by 6 times. Now the device can run up to 60 hours without recharging.
Significantly improved graphical interface. Now each product menu contains not only text but also images of fruits or vegetables.
The device is installed a new processor, which allows you to boot the device in less than 1 second and make measurements faster.
Facts about radiation, nitrates
Natural background radiation 2, 4 mSv / year. 1 sievert (100 x-rays) causes changes in the blood, leukemia sievert 2, 3 sievert lead to death.
Lethal nitrate dose for an adult - from 8 to 14 grams, cause acute poisoning from 1 to 4 g of nitrate
. Internal radiation exposure (through food) is much stronger than the outside. Regular small doses of radiation are accumulated, they are much more dangerous than the big and short-term.
Research in Russia, USA, Germany, have shown that nitrates and nitrites cause methemoglobinemia in humans (anoxia), negatively affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems, in the development of the embryo in pregnant women.
When 15% of methemoglobin comes lethargy and drowsiness. More than 50% - loss of consciousness, convulsions, death.
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