30+ harsh Innovative developments that you be pushed into a stupor
Every day, scientists around the world to invent, patent, implement. And all this in order to make our life was better and more comfortable. Recent developments Skolkovo and their foreign colleagues in front of you.
Believe that of Skolkovo guys know a lot about
spending of budget money
First Photo special gloves for touch phone
Gate to the magical world of Skolkovo
Now in Skolkovo engaged even genetic engineering
Most Innovative Product of domestic inventors
Apple has already goes to extreme measures to catch up with the Russian science
The first domestic freight electric
Already very interesting flow of cream per 100 km ...
Prototype EkoMarshrutki
Agree that without innovation in training now just anywhere
In the field of high fashion without innovation also can not do
In general, in our country, every second - it's a great inventor
Our people will get out of any situation
Safety above all
Road services have long been tested domestic innovation
Sometimes the question arises, why not road builders talk about all the achievements of Russian science ...
Industrial climbers? No, I did not hear ...
ROC does not lag behind technological progress
When the car - your sweet home
Guess the country for photo
cure-all - it is very in our
The future is now
And it's just brilliant! B>
: Fishki.net
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Believe that of Skolkovo guys know a lot about
spending of budget money

First Photo special gloves for touch phone

Gate to the magical world of Skolkovo

Now in Skolkovo engaged even genetic engineering

Most Innovative Product of domestic inventors

Apple has already goes to extreme measures to catch up with the Russian science

The first domestic freight electric

Already very interesting flow of cream per 100 km ...

Prototype EkoMarshrutki

Agree that without innovation in training now just anywhere

In the field of high fashion without innovation also can not do

In general, in our country, every second - it's a great inventor

Our people will get out of any situation

Safety above all

Road services have long been tested domestic innovation

Sometimes the question arises, why not road builders talk about all the achievements of Russian science ...

Industrial climbers? No, I did not hear ...

ROC does not lag behind technological progress

When the car - your sweet home

Guess the country for photo

cure-all - it is very in our

The future is now

And it's just brilliant! B>

: Fishki.net
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In China, we found a "Lost World" of which no one knew!
Stories about how our people saved by the Cat