21st century - a century of phytonutrients. Proper food is really treats!

Proper food is really treats!
This statement refers primarily to phytonutrients.
Phyto (Phyto) - is the Greek word for "plant".
Nutritionals - natural, bioactive components of plant foods
. Phytonutrients - is the most powerful components of our food that help us fight disease
. Vitamins and minerals help us to stay alive, and phytonutrients save us from the deadly disease!
The 20th century was the century of vitamins and minerals, and the 21st century - a century of phytonutrients. Phytonutrients, this discovery scientists, which belongs to the third millennium.
Since ancient times, for the recovery and treatment of their diseases, a person uses in food plants. They contain phytonutrients, not only all the main classes of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but also complex biologically active compounds that are beneficial to our health
. Phytonutrients - is the main component of the immune system of the plant
. If it is short and understandable language, the phytonutrients - a powerful healing force created by nature to protect the plant from disease, damage, insects, vermin, heat, ultraviolet light, toxic chemicals, from free radicals - aggressive oxygen species
It phytonutrients make red wine burgundy, salads - greens, and carrots - orange
. But phytonutrients not only give color and taste of berries and fruits, they help fight deadly diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis.
Eaten phytonutrients spread their incredible healing properties inside your body.
At present, about 2,000 known phytonutrients. They are found in fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, nuts and seeds.
Dr. Alex Chasse (for more than 30 years studying the medical botanist, taught at the University of Oxford and has lectured in more than 40 countries around the world) said: "I would say that the 20th century was the century of vitamins and minerals. But the 21st century - a century of phytonutrients »
. "Newsweek" magazine (weekly American magazine, which is part of the "big three" US weeklies) devoted to the first page of one of his issues entirely phytonutrients. The article says - "Phytonutrients - one of the most promising, hampering the development of the disease means that are becoming more widely available. Furthermore, they have side effects. "

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