Garlic. Its antimicrobial properties are legendary.
Garlic. Its antimicrobial properties are legendary. And all because at one time they were examined carefully. As a result, it was possible to prove the effectiveness of garlic in the fight against:
candida (fungal organisms that cause candidiasis, or thrush);
microbe Helicobacter pylori, capable of causing ulcers and stomach cancer;
Campylobacter (the causative agent of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract);
E. coli, which causes food poisoning;
dysentery amoeba, provoking amebic colitis;
intestinal giardia, giardiasis or pathogens.
The uniqueness of garlic is that it can successfully fight not only bacteria, but also fungi and other protozoa that cause a number of serious diseases. This is explained by the content of particular substances - alliin. At the time of the last crushing garlic is converted to allicin under the influence of a special enzyme. A allicin, in turn, is involved in the formation of substances that may inhibit enzymes required for microbe activity. This is the difference in the mechanism of the impact of natural and synthetic antibiotics. After all, it is the latest designed to destroy bacteria and germs, which in this case may simply be resistant to it. Simply put, the microorganisms, which operates garlic, can be compared with a man suddenly deprived of air. Thus bacteria are not able to develop resistance to the garlic. Eat garlic is best in raw form, adding to the composition of salads and dishes, dressed with olive or other vegetable oil.
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