American scientists have found that a vegetarian diet slows down brain aging
According to experts, those who want to keep a clear mind as long as possible, should at least try to limit yourself to the consumption of meat, butter, cheese, baked goods, as well as fried and fatty foods
Supporters of vegetarian diets, including dishes of vegetables, beans, fruits and whole grains are much less likely to encounter in old age with disorders of the brain and decreased intellectual abilities.
This is the conclusion a team of specialists from the medical center at the University of Rush in the American Chicago (Illinois), to analyze the relationship between the level of intelligence, and received food at nearly 1 thousand. Man.
How to say scientists, reduced brain activity in old age - this is quite a natural phenomenon, but their studies have shown that people who keep a regular diet, cognitive abilities in old age is slowing much faster than those who adheres to a vegetarian lifestyle <. br> In the study, experts within five years evaluated the changes of mental performance in people aged 70-80 years - both vegetarians and fans of meat products
. "Tests show that a vegetarian diet significantly slows down the aging process of the brain," - says who heads a team of scientists in March Claire Morris. She also noted that study participants who adhered to "green" diets throughout their life in old age, on average score higher on mental development of those who always ate seven years as usual.
"Over the years, the deterioration of the brain occur in everyone, and Alzheimer's disease is now the sixth leading cause of death in the United States," - emphasizes Morris, adding that the results obtained by her team show unexpected relationships vegetarian diet and brain activity
. According to her, the ideal vegetarian diet does not exist, but those who want to keep a clear mind as long as possible, should at least try to limit yourself to the consumption of meat, butter, cheese, baked goods, as well as fried and fatty foods, especially in old age .