Scientists have found a source of boundless happiness

Experts from the US Salk Institute (Salk Institute) announced that they were able to grow in a laboratory cell culture that can produce serotonin - the so-called "happiness hormone" responsible for a person's mood, his memory, social behavior, desire, performance, concentration and so further.
In its report, the researchers noted that in case of lack of serotonin in the cells can lead to serious illnesses such as schizophrenia or autism. Also, it is likely that a person can stay in constant depression. Also, experts noted that the cell culture was able to grow cells from the skin, without using the stem cells. In order to study their genome, the scientists resorted to the method of separation of neurons. The next stage of research as scientists said, will be the possibility of using found material, namely serotonin, in the treatment of serious diseases. The obtained results will direct scientists to medicine.
Scientists compared the action of serotonin with adrenaline, which is why this substance is considered to be the "mood enhancer».
As explained by scientists on the results of a long study of the genome of neurons, it became clear that synthesize serotonin vital proteins capable of forming the nervous system. Namely:. NKX2.2 proteins, LMX1B, FEV, ASCL1, GATA2 and NGN2
According to experts, they will fight a revolutionary discovery with a list of serious diseases caused by lack of serotonin in the body. In particular, with such disorders as depression, schizophrenia, autism, and so on.
Suffering from a lack of "happiness hormone" nutritionists recommend to include in the diet of foods that promote better rest the body's serotonin - Quinoa (spinach and beet relative), soybeans, tomatoes, figs, plums and pumpkin seeds.
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