Nutritionists CALLED 6 "superfood" for burning fat

Experts have added a list of "fat burners", the use of which helps get rid of excess weight, or at least keep it at an acceptable level.
Nutritionist Frida Harju, advising producers common fitness gadgets and applications for health monitoring, named six "superfoods" that contribute to weight loss. They were, as stated by the expert, it would be appropriate to include in the diet of overweight people.
Coconut vinegar. It is widely used in the cuisine of Southeast Asia vinegar contains a small amount of calories and carbohydrates and rich in nutrients. First of all, potassium, helping to restrain the level of sugar in the body and accelerate metabolism. According to Harju, coconut vinegar taste is less pronounced compared to other similar solutions and can be consumed in the morning, adding a tablespoon of the composition in a glass of warm water. Another option is more traditional - a small amount of coconut vinegar salad can fill
. Cinnamon. Increases metabolism spice prevents fat and effect on reducing blood sugar levels. Cinnamon can be added to hot drinks, cereal and pastries, which is for people who are obese is often restricted.
Kelp. Unloved by many as "seaweed" and easily consumed as part rolls seaweed is rich in minerals and vitamins that are useful for digestion. It is also an excellent source of iodine, which improves metabolism.
Garnet. Grains of these fruits are rich in fiber, which provides saturation with minimal calories. The garnets are also many anti-oxidants, positively affecting the gastrointestinal tract.
Turmeric. It stimulates the production of bile, which in turn helps to break down food and digest fats.
Wormwood tea. Another drink from the category of unusual helps rid the body of toxins and maintain a healthy metabolism. Harju noted that the tea should be consumed in moderation and not more than four weeks, as it may cause side effects.
All of these products should be consumed, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.