A story about a girl who very much wanted to eat

A little preface. I have one drawback - I can not be indifferent. Many years ago I moved from the countryside to the big city and still do not understand why there are considered the norm to pass by a person who needs help, or throw a woman with a child on the street because she can not pay this month. Of course, there are exceptions, but they do not happen too often.
I, on the contrary, my heart is broken when I see that someone has big problems. Well I can not pretend not to notice. I can not be happy until someone unhappy. Therefore I try to help everyone who really need help.
2006. One day after work, I popped into the shopping center on business, and when he returned to the door, my attention was attracted by a young mother with a little girl. My mother was clearly not in the spirit:
- Well, what do you want ?! - She shouted at the girl
. - I want to eat - she replied quietly
. A few steps from their parents to buy their children some sweets. And, judging by how modest the girl was dressed and how sad she was saying, she really wanted to eat, and not just capricious. But the mother does enraged and pushed the child. Yell at the girl that she spoiled her whole life, she went somewhere and out of sight.
To say that I was surprised - to say nothing. The girl stood up, and he realized he did not know where her mom went and sat on a bench and began to cry. It was not a loud cry spoiled imp, and very quiet the crying baby, which was badly handled.
I felt very sorry for the girl, but I doubt that it is necessary to intervene. Surely her mother would be back, they reconciled, and all will be well. It took 20 minutes. For a girl so no one came, and most importantly, her mother still has not turned up. I could no longer sit. I had to walk up to her and try to calm her. I must say that you feel uncomfortable when you start a conversation with a stranger child. It seems as if everything would think that you have something bad in mind. But in fact, all around was still.
She was shy at first and was afraid to talk to me. But when I called the guard to find her mother, she began to trust me a little bit. We were able to find out what her name is Dasha and her 6 years. I remembered that she wants to eat, and bought her food while we waited for her mother. It is first unlocked, but hunger prevailed.
As it turned out, it did not feed the whole day, and it was already evening. Mom disappeared God knows where, and we had to call the police (then militia). I had no choice but to hand the child over to law enforcement officers that they found her parents and returned them to the child. But I felt that this story has not ended. Fortunately, I had a friend in the police, and I was able to follow the further the fate of the girl.
As it turned out, mummy husband long ago gave up, and she had to raise the child herself. I am earning it a little, because this pregnancy broke her life and career, as she always looked like his daughter. As a result, she decided to get rid of it and just threw it. "What? All the same will be taken to an orphanage. " Dasha cried and asked for forgiveness from my mother, so she let her return home. But the mother refused it. The girl suffered very heavy it. In short, the maternal instinct in the mothers got stuck somewhere in the fifth point.
2008. My wife and I were finally able to adopt the Dasha. She was 8 years old, she is already in the 2nd class. Before that it was a lot of paperwork, which is why she had to live in an orphanage. But we regularly visited Dasha, brought gifts to her and the other children. Some of my friends badly perceived adoption: "someone else's child? Why do you need it?. »
The recently ended 2015. I did not even notice that Dasha is 15 years old. How time flies. People often ask me if I regretted that took her? Never! And never will.
Why this story? Because of these actions my friends called spineless. Like, a lot of doing to people, and in return get nothing. So - you're wrong. Instead, I get the realization that I was not useless in this world. So, my life is not meaningless.
The world is cruel, but each of us can do it better than a good deed. So, if you're inspired yourself that nobody needs your help, just look around again. Most likely, you are wrong!
: Storyfo.ru
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