Hello, friends! Those of you who do not eat meat of animals and birds, who disliked the taste of hard liquor and smoke cough happens, we will understand more quickly. And for those who still ponders the possibility of a holiday without the ringing of glasses and enjoying the cigarette smoke, you may be interested to read about the two eccentrics - a married couple that had left from Kiev in 2007 and settled in the village, finding your dream
<. br> Next, we will voice the thoughts that come to our mind when we live in a cozy 100-year-old house of clay, obihazhivat space surrounding us, we return life in the old manor RAMAYDAN and fill their love magic valley.
Food. How it should be a person? What should it be? The filling body, what thoughts bring? Why this word in some dialects sounds like "I d rather?" Why so much like the word "is" in the sense of "to be" and "is" in the sense of "to eat"? Why, to get rid of incurable diseases sometimes, a person recovers, it is refusing to eat? And, finally, why is the norm, where people live only 60-70 years, and 80 - it is a long-liver
? Beekeepers know such a feature: if the bees are not fed natural food for them - sugar - bee "wear out" quickly. And it's not that honey is obtained not as fragrant as the collection of the nectar of flowers, and that if there is no flowering meadows, the bee will die of hunger. The thing is that the insect eats it is not characteristic of the product. And so dies faster. Man makes the bees work for themselves - to develop products (wax, honey, pollen, etc.), not focusing on the time of insect life.
And if we do not like you at such bee? Someone (or we ourselves, being unconscious entities) offers us unusual for our kind of food waiting for us a good job in the existing system and not at all worried that we "wear out" ahead of time! Why worry about us? By that time we will have time to extend our species and nourish the young in our image! Maybe enough not to think about it!
A person needs kinds of food, that is, such as it was intended by nature. This, of course, fruit and water! And you will not believe how little it all you need! If we had not checked on her, now we would not even have the right to talk on such topics! But! We're checking out! And the experience of this in us, and to know that you feel and you feel we do not take away! Yes, the stars are now different (and these are not empty words) may therefore improbable becomes possible! But to eat two (2) apple a day, drink plain water at room temperature for as long as you want, and feel great at the same time - MAY
There is only one "but"! To this must come consciously to normal body sensations on their own desire not to eat or have a few. It will not work if the person starts from the mind to follow a certain procedure and borrowed the experience of others from internet sources. It is necessary to listen to and hear himself! And if the state really comes "not hungry", only then you will be fine with little or no food.
Individual cases, when the body is "screaming" to its owner through pain. But here, at the forefront of awareness is still worth: you will hear the cry - you will be healthy again
. And now the real horror: our whole life on the set production, consumption and recycling is absolutely not necessary to us food! Blast off for a moment away from the monitor, close your eyes and imagine all that you are doing all my life and for what it is doing. Even a cursory glance is enough to understand - WE LIVE TO EAT !!! We get up in the morning, going somewhere or go somewhere work, to eat, to feed the children, so that they can feed themselves and their children. Each family has its own budget. And a great place to take it is by no means attending seminars on spiritual development and even utility costs (as if it was frustrating not to read), and the food !!!
We always eat, for any reason and without reason; We eat just like that; eating, chatting with friends; We eat, meeting with relatives; We invite each other to the restaurants on the most solemn occasions, which is required to overeat; even falling in love, we are trying to impress the application object of our senses gourmet food !!!
Just imagine how much energy be released, if you include awareness and get rid of the most powerful drug of our time - we do not need food!
Author Alexander Chechelnitskaya
(Source - TURBO project BEEHIVE - our experience of life in the countryside)