9 reasons to love carrot:

1. Carrots juicy, tasty and very sweet, it contains much more sugar than any other vegetable (except sugar beet).
2. Carrots lowers cholesterol. Its fibers contain pectin, and to eat enough for two carrots a day to a couple of weeks, cholesterol decreased by about 10-11%.
3. Carrots are ideal for the diet as one medium fruit (100 grams) contains only 33 kcal.
4. Carrot fiber are high in fiber, which means that they will help you to maintain proper operation of the digestive tract.
5. Large amounts of vitamin A in carrots helps to improve vision.
6. Carrot does not lose its nutritional properties year round.
7. Carrot is available to all, as it has a low price.
8. Raw carrots are good for your teeth: it prevents tooth decay, why gnaw carrots yourself and be sure to let the children
. 9. In addition, the carrot drink in ancient times used to treat impotence and stimulation of male power.