The Secret Power of Women. As this force can rule the world?

If the wife does not notice the negative qualities of character of her husband, and the only constant praise and draws attention to the positive qualities of her husband - she thus gradually becoming obsolete negative qualities husband
If the wife does not trust her husband - that he does not trust anybody
If the wife sees only the good in everything - it adjusts to a world of her husband
If the wife is dissatisfied with - in the family will be unhappy all
If the wife is not loyal to her husband - the family will not be happy
If the wife does not hide anything from her husband, he opens his heart - that her husband will not be able to deceive his wife and her change
If the wife is her husband sincerely - that it will be able to avoid all the difficulties of life, it will be under the protection
If the wife is to be sensitive to her husband's temperament and try to satisfy it - the husband for her swerve Mountain
If the wife will take her husband "not the best" option - that her husband will begin to change, such a woman is not happy and family breaks.
If the wife is too dry to treat her husband does not give all my love, tenderness and affection - that her husband will begin to abuse strong drink.
If the family is falling apart - that every effort should make the woman, his universal force, the energy it needs to attract only positive, benevolent thoughts and my husband will begin to act in the same direction already with his power!
Wife - energy Husband - force. Secret Force women aimed in the right direction to her husband with the help of your energy of the Universe will bring you tangible results!