Seeing the Truth

To get out of the mental space of the truth, you need to match its vibration; to be available for such kind of high energy.
1. Be aware of this possibility.
Yes, around a lot of opinions and points of view. Each of something expire: one is based on a similar situation; someone has accurate or complete information; someone is bad or insufficient foresight. In any case, there are always those who are completely wrong, and those who are the closest to reality.
Knowledge of the truth, like meditation, but it is a deep mental concentration, and instead of the complete silence of the mind and visualize you contemplate your images on a given topic. That is, you tune in to what you are interested in, it can be formulated question, and start to consider it from different sides - allow your mind to do it arbitrarily, of course, not distracting him and not limited by the answers that would be most desirable for you .
So we got to the second point:
2. Admit your wrong.
Your mind always wants something, and for every question he looks through the prism of their own desires, as well as through the prism of their own experience. Realize that your experience is not universal, and desires are not overriding.
3. Tell the truth.
You can not take the high energy, not being their guide.
If you want to hear the truth, not only from the people but from the universe, you have to speak it.
Otherwise, the power of Truth will remain available to you. You simply can not distinguish them in countless other forms of energy and mental.
Truth becomes a conductor, you are involved in egregors where the conductivity of a given energy is an important condition and ability. For example, egregor Justice.
Everything is within you and around will start to come into compliance programs that you spend. You will no longer be able to communicate with people who allow others lie or engage in self-deception; you can not work for a company that calm is deceiving customers or managed by dishonest people. You can no longer turn a blind eye absolutely everything, and will endeavor, as far as possible, to bring everything back to normal; and if that fails, then leave with no regrets, do not post your beneficial effects, place.
Continuous operation with any egregor as it prescribes you inside. There is a mutual exchange of energies: at the time, as you work on it, it works for you. The power conductor which you are beginning to act around you, regardless of your efforts - you could quite obratit no attention to any question, and all the strength of the already leveled. The more you work with the egregore, the stronger becomes within it, the more it can spend Force.
Hold the right energy;)