Milk kills the immune system of the child and leads to goiter, and cancer.
Like all female mammals (including humans), cows produce milk for about a year to feed her calf. Milk - it's full of fat hormone release (containing over 60 different hormones and growth factors) by the very nature designed to turn it into a 30-pound newborn calf in a 320-pound adult cow or bull in less than a year. Impressive.
During pregnancy, estrogen levels in the body just a huge cow, more than 30 times higher than the normal. Also, it contains just an incredible amount of fat - a critical factor, it further contributes to improving the level of estrogen in the body
. And when we ASIC children with cow's milk with the milk in a child's body comes high dose of estrogen, this explains the rapid weight gain of the child and increased juvenile ... But that's not all, with milk enter the body growth hormones and doses of antibiotics that cows are fed in illness - mastitis (inflammation of the udder of the cow), but it kills the immune system of the child and leads to dysbacteriosis
. Another dangerous component of cow's milk - insulin-like growth factor 1. During drinking milk, IGF-1 level increases in the human body, which promotes the growth and proliferation of non-specific cells in the body, including cancer.