Top -10 anticarcinogenic PRODUCTS
1) LEMON. The more it is in the diet, the better. Choose your comfortable amount, dose wisely, but aim for a gradual increase of this product in the diet. GI mucosal protection against acids: flax seeds, chia seeds and fiber from psyllium seed (add in fresh, smoothies and other drinks, salad, porridge.)
. 2) grapefruit. At least one day. And for those who have increased rates of "bad" cholesterol and uric acid - at least two of the grapefruit! This is my favorite "operating knife»))
4) Blue grape
5) blueberries.
6) BEET.
Contain potent anticarcinogenic pigments. Berries, even out of season, frozen, very effective.
8) seedlings of cereals and CSB seedlings - just like any "embryo", contain a unique combination of nutrients that provide energy for a new life.
9) Green. Season or not - I do not want to hear anything. The result of regular consumption (in smoothies, salads) is always on the person in the literal sense. The transfusion of healthy blood per os was partly possible due to the vegetable analogue of hemoglobin - chlorophyll
. 10) CABBAGE. All kinds. But raw and pickled have notorious anti-cancer effect.