beet juice

Beet juice most precious juice for the formation of red blood cells and improve blood composition at all. For women it is especially useful if it is to drink a minimum of 0, 5 liter (mixed with carrot juice) every day.
Beet juice alone, when using more than one glass of wine at a time, can cause the cleansing reaction, namely slight nausea or dizziness. Experience has shown that the first time it is better to drink a mixture dominated carrot juice and then gradually increase the amount of beet juice; then the body will take it better cleansing action useful. Usually it is sufficient from 1 to 1, 5 cups of beet juice, 2 times a day.
During menstrual disorders beet juice is very useful, in particular, if during this period, small portions juice drink, not more than one of the wine glasses (50-100 g) two or three times a day. During menopause, such a procedure gives a much larger and permanent effect than the degenerating effects of drugs, for inorganic synthetic chemicals can not give more than a temporary calming effect. After taking these drugs or synthetic hormones often suffer from the fact that the body is trying to bring these inorganic substances. Ultimately, suffering taking drugs, and not the one who promotes or assigns them.
Nature has given us with the natural ways through which we can look for health, energy, strength and vitality. She has given us, to a greater or lesser extent, the mind, capable to grasp knowledge. When we use our mind - nature smiles at us. And when we do not use them, it is close by, with infinite patience and compassion wondering as to why its establishment was so stupid.
Despite the fact that the actual iron content in red beet is low, yet due to its high quality, it is an excellent food for red blood cells. The most positive feature of the chemical elements in the red beet is that it contains more than 50% sodium and 5% of calcium. This ratio is valuable to maintain the solubility of calcium, particularly when, owing to the use of cooked food in the body accumulated inorganic calcium in the blood vessels, such as expansion and hardening of the veins or blood clots that cause high blood pressure and other cardiac abnormalities.
Dvadtsatiprotsentnym content in red beet potassium ensures total food for all physiological functions whereas vosmiprotsentnoe chlorine is an excellent organic cleanser for the liver, kidney and gall bladder, stimulating activity and lymph throughout the body.
The mixture of beet juice and carrot provides a high content of sulfur and phosphorus on the one hand and potassium and other alkali elements with the other hand. All this, together with a high content of vitamin "A", is the best natural builder of blood cells, especially red blood cells.