One of the biggest mistakes raw foodists
This absence in the diet of the so-called "sustainable" products, which protect us from the "syroednogo Jora".
The fact that the body accumulates strength by eating any one type of product.
This is similar to the accumulation of vibrational energy of motion. If each oscillation of the swing to push them slightly to the beat, the movement will be infinitely long and stable.
If you do it at random - vibrations are absorbed.
Food, too, carries a vibration of a certain frequency, and the more you eat a certain product, the easier the body to accumulate the appropriate physical and chemical vibration, adjust the digestion process under this product.
This stabilizes the related balance of biochemical processes in the body - homeostasis and the person becomes more resistant to any changes, psychological breakdowns, etc.
That's why fans of gourmet cuisine at a variety of raw food diet are doomed to failures - because the accumulated potential of destroying the main product
. For example, in the winter we can recommend linen or buckwheat porridge live or beetroot and carrot (live!) Soup as a main dish, a master "carrier»
frequency. " In general, the germinated seeds better suited to the function of sustainable product than fruits or vegetables, since they give a more long-term satiety. (But it is for those who only goes to a raw food diet, those who for a long time, and winter is well saturated with fruit)
However, in the summer of resistance may well make your favorite fruit or melons, provided that they are quite fresh and organic.