That hair was not gray

The method I
Writes Anna Sedova: Early graying can be stopped with the help of herbs. My grandmother and her sisters lived long. Each lived for at least 90 years. But gray hair is not amassed. To do this, they used a very simple means: rinsing the head after washing the nettle broth.
I'm also doing it all his life, and gray hairs I have almost no, although I have about 70 years. Also rinse, I do still rubbing nettle. To do this, you need to prepare a strong broth 2 tablespoons of dried nettle pour 1 liter of cold water to boil in a sealed container 20-30 minutes, then drain, cool to room temperature. The resulting broth rubbed into the scalp every day. Hair not only posedeyut, but are soft and thick, will grow well.

Method II
Firmian platanolistnaya. Her hair nuts destroy gray hair