How many need to meet before the wedding, the marriage did not end in divorce
How long does it take to meet, get to know each other enough, but do not give "overripe" relationship? The unequivocal answer here is not possible, but we can determine the minimum period necessary to ensure that know each other sufficiently before making this important shag.
Website publishes opinion Helen Fisher , anthropologist and expert on human relations. Post doctorate sure if you will wait two years before the wedding, your chance to build a strong family are high enough. Another thing is that many are getting married too quickly, or, on the contrary, faced with the problem of long-term "preserving relationships." < br>
"For many years I studied this issue with the help of surveys, experiments and other techniques and came to the conclusion that two years - the term of the relationship, they are especially good in order to grow into something more. You should not rush into this decision because in the first year and a half after the onset of love your brain literally refuses to serve you properly. Chemistry love bad combined with rationality, - explained the expert - but, two years later, you are completely sober and also be able to properly get to know each other
. On the other hand, excessive rationality harm relations. Do not wait until your sense of routine cover with dust - they need to grow, develop, evolve, and marriage - this is the most logical continuation of love »
. via factroom.ru
Website publishes opinion Helen Fisher , anthropologist and expert on human relations. Post doctorate sure if you will wait two years before the wedding, your chance to build a strong family are high enough. Another thing is that many are getting married too quickly, or, on the contrary, faced with the problem of long-term "preserving relationships." < br>
"For many years I studied this issue with the help of surveys, experiments and other techniques and came to the conclusion that two years - the term of the relationship, they are especially good in order to grow into something more. You should not rush into this decision because in the first year and a half after the onset of love your brain literally refuses to serve you properly. Chemistry love bad combined with rationality, - explained the expert - but, two years later, you are completely sober and also be able to properly get to know each other
. On the other hand, excessive rationality harm relations. Do not wait until your sense of routine cover with dust - they need to grow, develop, evolve, and marriage - this is the most logical continuation of love »
. via factroom.ru
25 unique photos of National Geographic, previously unpublished
The printed the 3D-printer ears and bones, implanted mice formed blood vessels