How to change a person's life fruitarianism
I am a sole trader, living in Grodno, I am 36 years old. For more than 4 years my wife and I - raw foodists. Do not those who eat the cheese, and those who eat fruit in its natural form, without cooking. In the first three months after switching to a raw food diet I lost 36 kilos!
With the growth of 182 centimeters, I used to weigh 102 kilograms. Now my weight - 68 kilograms. On a raw food diet is not passed to lose weight, but in order to change your life, get rid of health problems. Of course, weight loss was one of the expected impact, but did not think that going to fold so much and so quickly!
About to bring the body in order, I thought more than once. I tried to give up certain foods. Year do not eat fat, sweet, flour. It took fifteen kilograms, and then ... All discarded safely returned to his seat.
Apparently, it was the fact that I refused to harmful products, but did not change the way of life. Kuriles, drank. The same company, same trips to visit, when the tables are full of food and spirits. In this situation it was very difficult to resist, and I started to eat again and flour and fat. Therefore, I decided that you must first change the way of thinking, and then engage in health and losing weight. We thought a lot with his wife, reading, listening to lectures. In the end, we choose a raw food diet - or rather, fruitarianism
. From products that are not included in the fruitarian diet, gradually declined. The last of the menu left halva - very much like sweets. And then I realized that they, too, have among the fruits. Dates, for example. Four or five dates is more than enough to satisfy the craving for sweets.
Now in my menu is almost exclusively fruit. Occasionally I eat vegetables and nuts. Drinks - pure water, and then not always. In the summer, for example, to quench the thirst of juicy melons. For breakfast, I eat a lot of fruit - oranges or apples. For example, I eat five oranges at first, then, after half an hour - five more. The concepts of "lunch" and "dinner" for me does not exist, just eat when I feel hungry. Not to say that the transition was given too easily, the first two weeks, I must confess, burgers dreamed of! And then, when I realized that without a very different feel, dream no longer. already strange now to recall that I once ate meat. Well, it is - eating pork. Pig eating? Uh ...
In the first three months of the raw food diet I lost 36 kilos, now my weight fluctuates from 66 to 70. My wife was a little overweight, eight kilograms, they literally went in the first week. They moved us to this food in the winter, and all three winter months have tried to go out less - thin the habit was chilly! Then spring came, and we saw that literally falls out of old clothes! I had to gradually update the entire wardrobe. I did not recognize the familiar streets, we had to all come and explain what it is I, only thinner.
By the way, health problems, too, disappeared. I was a youth, high blood pressure, doctors shrugged their shoulders - they say, get used to tablets. Now the pressure is like an astronaut. Dyspnea? I do not know what it is! On the ninth floor of the stairs - please! Tridtsatidesyatikilometrovaya walk? Yes Easy! When the lost weight and began to cleanse the body, there was a desire to move, run.
Since we do not prepare food, we do not have kitchen appliances, just a juicer. Plates also do not use, before we had a dog, for it was necessary to prepare and now ranks just stove in the kitchen, I do not even remember, it is connected or not. A lot of time is saved! The kitchen converted into a room, here accept guests. Not like before: Now, do not cover the table and just sit with friends by candlelight, talking
. Yes, from a sharp weight loss were skin problems, she was limp. Nothing for the correction did not, wait until the body itself will be restored. The skin slowly but tightened. There are still a few problem areas, but I think they too will recover.
My wife and I often travel, to travel a lot go on foot, not being distracted by the cafes and restaurants. Children have not yet, but I think they will certainly appear. And it will also be raw foodists!
With the growth of 182 centimeters, I used to weigh 102 kilograms. Now my weight - 68 kilograms. On a raw food diet is not passed to lose weight, but in order to change your life, get rid of health problems. Of course, weight loss was one of the expected impact, but did not think that going to fold so much and so quickly!

About to bring the body in order, I thought more than once. I tried to give up certain foods. Year do not eat fat, sweet, flour. It took fifteen kilograms, and then ... All discarded safely returned to his seat.
Apparently, it was the fact that I refused to harmful products, but did not change the way of life. Kuriles, drank. The same company, same trips to visit, when the tables are full of food and spirits. In this situation it was very difficult to resist, and I started to eat again and flour and fat. Therefore, I decided that you must first change the way of thinking, and then engage in health and losing weight. We thought a lot with his wife, reading, listening to lectures. In the end, we choose a raw food diet - or rather, fruitarianism
. From products that are not included in the fruitarian diet, gradually declined. The last of the menu left halva - very much like sweets. And then I realized that they, too, have among the fruits. Dates, for example. Four or five dates is more than enough to satisfy the craving for sweets.
Now in my menu is almost exclusively fruit. Occasionally I eat vegetables and nuts. Drinks - pure water, and then not always. In the summer, for example, to quench the thirst of juicy melons. For breakfast, I eat a lot of fruit - oranges or apples. For example, I eat five oranges at first, then, after half an hour - five more. The concepts of "lunch" and "dinner" for me does not exist, just eat when I feel hungry. Not to say that the transition was given too easily, the first two weeks, I must confess, burgers dreamed of! And then, when I realized that without a very different feel, dream no longer. already strange now to recall that I once ate meat. Well, it is - eating pork. Pig eating? Uh ...
In the first three months of the raw food diet I lost 36 kilos, now my weight fluctuates from 66 to 70. My wife was a little overweight, eight kilograms, they literally went in the first week. They moved us to this food in the winter, and all three winter months have tried to go out less - thin the habit was chilly! Then spring came, and we saw that literally falls out of old clothes! I had to gradually update the entire wardrobe. I did not recognize the familiar streets, we had to all come and explain what it is I, only thinner.
By the way, health problems, too, disappeared. I was a youth, high blood pressure, doctors shrugged their shoulders - they say, get used to tablets. Now the pressure is like an astronaut. Dyspnea? I do not know what it is! On the ninth floor of the stairs - please! Tridtsatidesyatikilometrovaya walk? Yes Easy! When the lost weight and began to cleanse the body, there was a desire to move, run.

Since we do not prepare food, we do not have kitchen appliances, just a juicer. Plates also do not use, before we had a dog, for it was necessary to prepare and now ranks just stove in the kitchen, I do not even remember, it is connected or not. A lot of time is saved! The kitchen converted into a room, here accept guests. Not like before: Now, do not cover the table and just sit with friends by candlelight, talking
. Yes, from a sharp weight loss were skin problems, she was limp. Nothing for the correction did not, wait until the body itself will be restored. The skin slowly but tightened. There are still a few problem areas, but I think they too will recover.
My wife and I often travel, to travel a lot go on foot, not being distracted by the cafes and restaurants. Children have not yet, but I think they will certainly appear. And it will also be raw foodists!