Greek salad in syroedcheski
& Gt; tomatoes
& Gt; cucumbers
& Gt; onion
& Gt; Bulgarian pepper
& Gt; black olives / olive
& Gt; syroedchesky almond cheese
& Gt; lemon juice for taste
& Gt; salt for taste
& Gt; olive oil, 1.5 st. l.
- How to prepare:
Cucumbers and tomatoes cut arbitrarily,
onion half rings.
Bulgarian pepper cut into 2 or 4 parts,
and these parts are cut into thin strips.
Olives can be left intact,
but you can cut into slices.
Season with salt, if desired - pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice,
fill with olive oil and mix.
Syroedchesky almond cheese cut
cubes and put on top of the salad.
Salad then do not stir!
Therefore, it is important to first fill the salad, mix,
and only then add the cubes of cheese.
Bon Appetit!