Sauce "Guacamole" prescription of the Aztecs!

Guacamole - a traditional Mexican cuisine sauce, whose history goes in the time of the Aztecs. The Spanish conquerors, which are described in his memoirs the sauce, making it famous guacamole called "a gift from the god Quetzalcoatl Toltecs." There are many recipes for guacamole, which differ by various additives, as well as the degree of grinding components. Experiment and choose the one that appeals to you. I suggest to try the most traditional option - a generous gift
feathered powerful god of ancient America Ingredients:
-avokado - 1 pc.
-Navy salt - to taste
-Black pepper and / or chili - by
taste citric juice (lime juice) - 1 tsp or to taste
You can use a blender, but I like the way of rubbing - this is how the Aztecs prepared guacamole. Mash the avocado, add salt, pepper and lemon juice. Once again promyat ... Everything! About how to choose avocado and as healthy fruit, you can read this article: How to eat an avocado or all of the secrets of alligator pear as an additional ingredient in guacamole, you can add tomatoes, garlic, any green (onions, cilantro, dill, parsley, etc. .d.), sweet pepper or chili pepper. Try, for example, to prepare another traditional raw Mexican sauce with avocado on this recipe: Mexican sauce, "pico de gallo»
The sauce is put on lettuce leaf or in a handy gravy boat. Serve as a dip sauce or as a separate dish. In a separate dish guacamole made there with Mexican nachos or tortillas (tortilla chips or corn tortillas). In the living kitchen sauce guacamole, of course, must be submitted either in crudités or with live loaves. In addition, the guacamole - a great filling for many living cuisine. Here are just a couple of examples of guaranteed-delicious recipes with guacamole sauce: Syroedcheskaya Pizza "Pepperoni" salad "Mimosa" Bon appetit!