Easy Vegetable Salad under "unusual" Sauce

As you've probably noticed, I love recipes that are prepared quickly and easily.

This salad is just one of these - is very easy to prepare, and is preparing for a few minutes

. The trick of this recipe sauce.

The idea that the sauce came to me yesterday, but there was no time to experiment.

Today, I still could not stand it and went to the kitchen to make experiments. Result and me and my husband was pleasantly surprised - the sauce has turned a light, delicious and unusual

. Ingredients:

Lettuce, beam
Onions (preferably red), 1/2 pcs
Walnuts, 2-3 tablespoons


1 tomato
1 medium apple (sweet and sour)
juice of 1/2 lemon (about 4 tablespoons)
4 tablespoons olive oil (cold pressed)
salt to taste (about 1/2 - 3/4 tsp)

Salad break hands. I had 2 types: red endive and Asian, but you can take any other

. Cucumber and tomato cut arbitrarily, onion rings or half rings (as you wish). Walnuts are a little crush and sprinkle on top.

Tomato cut into 2-4 parts and put in a blender. Add the lemon juice, salt, and olive oil. Apple cut into 4 pieces (or even smaller, depending on the power of your blender), remove the core, add tomato and grind until smooth.

Important! The blender is always put first, soft and / or liquid ingredients, and solid in the last turn.

The resulting sauce to fill the vegetables.
All the salad is ready!

Bon Appetit!


See also

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