Milk Thistle

Milk thistle or Silybum acute-variegated mariapum (L.)
Sem. Asteraceae -. Asteraceae Dumort
Homeland thistle - is Southern Europe. As weed thistle is widespread in the Mediterranean and in Asia. It is found in Central Asia, the Caucasus in southern Russia and in Western Siberia. It grows along roads, landfills, sometimes as a weed in crops. Tangle in nature does not form, so the procurement of raw materials from wild plants is not carried out. Now it is grown in a culture in the Volga region, Krasnodar Territory and Western Siberia.
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Milk thistle can be grown in culture in all areas where the frosty period not exceeding 150 days.
Biennial, in culture - an annual herbaceous plant, height 60-150 cm Stem glabrous, grooved, branched.. shiny leaves, green with white spots, up to 85 cm and 30 cm wide, elliptical or obratnolantsetovidnye, kolyuchezubchatye, pinnatilobate or pinnate; lower leaves form a rosette. Numerous pink, purple flowers are collected in a basket; leaves imbricate wrapper inflorescences end with elongated spines. The plant is cross-pollinated. Fruit - egg-shaped, slightly flattened laterally achene (a pappus) 5-8 mm long and 2-4 mm wide, color varies from light brown to black
. Milk Thistle is quite undemanding plants of temperate climate. In phase outlet it can overwinter in the conditions of Krasnodar territory. Frosts below -10 ° C lead to plant death. Milk - drought-resistant plant, particularly in the second half of the growing season. It features a stretched period of flowering, the fruit ripens unevenly. The growing season lasts 150-200 days thistle, it can be grown as an ornamental plant.
Milk, which has medicinal raw materials are the fruits (achenes), can be considered a promising medicinal plant for introduction into the central lane. Milk thistle seeds for more than two centuries applied in folk medicine.
The active ingredient of milk thistle fruit flavolignans amount (2.8-3.8%), which is called silymarin. Silymarin is a mixture of three isomers - silybin, silydianin and silihristin. Also, found in the seeds of Silybum 32% fat and 0.1% of essential oils, biogenic amines (tyramine, histamine) resin, vitamin K and valuable drugs. About the medicinal properties of milk thistle has been known to doctors of ancient Rome. Widely used it in the Middle Ages. In medical treatises of Avicenna states diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect of milk thistle seed, its use in disorders of digestion, decoction of its roots as a gargle for toothache. In folk medicine of different nations thistle is used as a diuretic and especially diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
Milk thistle seeds
Milk thistle seeds
In scientific medicine preparations thistle treat acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, toxic-metabolic liver disease and gastrointestinal disease. Contraindications and side effects have not been established. From the fruit of milk thistle preparations made domestic antihepatotoxic Silibor, Holelitin, Mariola, their foreign counterparts - Legalon (Germany) and Kars (Bulgaria)
. Currently thistle seeds are used to produce plantlets having specific health-improving effect. thistle seedlings were recommended as prophylaxis to residents of large cities, and working in hazardous occupations.