Liver ambulance: Unique healing properties of milk thistle

Milk thistle herb is very often, and rightly, called a “pinchy doctor”.

The healing qualities of milk thistle owe their existence to the active substances contained in the plant that have a positive effect on the body, protecting it from various ailments and helping to get rid of them!

Milk thistle in folk medicine

Unique chemical composition of milk thistleThe main medicinal raw material is the fruit of the plant, which is already sufficiently ripe. But the roots, stems, and leaves are also used in the preparation of healing decoctions, infusions, and so on.

The seeds of fruits, in which the main strength of milk thistle is concentrated, contain about 300 elements that affect the body healingly.

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin F
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin H and others
Minerals (macro and micronutrients):
  • borough
  • iron
  • selenium
  • potassium
  • manganese
  • magnesium
  • zinc
  • iodine
  • calcium and other
A distinctive, even, it should be said, unique feature of milk thistle is the fact that it is present in it.silymarin: a powerful complex of natural antioxidants-flavolignans, which are called “ambulance for the liver”.

The plant has in its composition and many other substances:seleniumIt is important to ensure the normal functioning of your heart and blood vessels. Also, this substance, as has been officially proven, prevents cancer, strengthens the body's defenses.

silymarinprovides protection of cell membranes and acts as a high-quality building material for the creation of new healthy cells during their division. But that's not all! It has a detoxifying effect, helps produce bile and so on.

alkaloidshelp to pacify pain of various etiologies, adjust blood circulation, put blood vessels in order.

Fat oilsnecessary to ensure the normal process of cell division, their protection from carcinogens, have a positive effect on metabolic processes.

SquirrelIt is necessary for the production of physiologically important enzymes, participates in the transport of hemoglobin, is extremely necessary for the functioning of the musculoskeletal system of the body, and so on.

Essential oilnecessary to activate the motor skills of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the state of the nervous system.

Resins.disinfect, have antifungal and antimicrobial effects on the body.

flavonoids- normalize blood pressure, heart rhythm, adrenal gland activity, strengthen capillaries, neutralize free radicals.

lignanreduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, detect, bind and remove toxic substances, effectively regulate hormonal balance, oxygen metabolism, and so on.

Milk thistle is good and bad. How to take a medicinal plantIt is used for:

  • With ailments of one of the most important organs - the liver (including hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty dystrophy and other diseases).
  • For skin problems (acne, dermatitis, eczema, even vitiligo).
  • In the cardiac field. Milk thistle is very useful for the heart and blood vessels, because it perfectly strengthens the former and cleanses the latter.
  • In diseases of the endocrine systemincluding diabetes, significantly improving the condition of patients.
  • With poisoning and toxicosis during pregnancy.
  • In Oncology Prevention and Treatment, as well as after chemotherapy courses.
  • With obesity, provoked by various reasons (both banal regular overeating, malnutrition, and problems with the performance of internal organs), in other cases.
  • Treatment of colds and infectious diseasesBecause it has pronounced antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  • Improving the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing its peristalsis, cleansing from toxins, eliminating inflammatory processes, stimulating the production of bile and food enzymes.
  • Head and toothacheAs well as pain in the stomach, with injuries and so on. It has been proven: milk thistle has a pronounced analgesic effect.
  • Improvement of blood formula, in hematology. Thus, even official medicine recognizes this fact, and doctors often prescribe products made on the basis of milk thistle to their patients in order to normalize their condition.
  • Eliminating bowel dysbiosis. And this immediately, in a positive way, affects its condition and, accordingly, its functioning. As a rule, liquid stool, as well as constipation, quickly pass, well-being improves, the digestibility of nutrients, some of them, increases several times.
  • Neutralize skin problems. They can have different etiology: from fungal and bacterial diseases, ending with burns and cuts.

What's milk thistle like? The taste of seeds is bitter, but not bitter, it is quite logical, since milk thistle grass is for the liver. Many herbs for the liver have a bitter taste.

Harm of milk thistle, contraindications and precautionsDespite the excellent effect of milk thistle on the body, there are moments that should not be forgotten, namely, those that concern contraindications.

Chronic pancreatitis at the stage of exacerbation. Acute cholecystitis. Chronic asthma. Epilepsy. Holangit. Appendicitis. With liver problems, before using milk thistle, Be sure to consult a doctor: a therapist or hepatologist. The same applies to urolithiasis - only professional advice from a therapist. If a person who is going to use milk thistle preparations has mental disorders, then consulting a psychiatrist or neurologist is also very desirable.

Milk thistle, in the absence of contraindications, is usually very well tolerated by the body. But, if in the process of treatment with it, you feel any undesirable consequences that may manifest as physical or mental discomfort, you should stop using milk thistle.

Many people are interested in how to take milk thistle correctly. The answer is unambiguous and unique here can not be, since the method of its use depends on the situation, due to the manifestation of which these funds are used, as well as on the form of the drug (this decoction, tincture, and so on).

Milk thistle - in what form the application is usefulMilk thistle medicinal can be used in the form of: decoction, tincture, oil, vice, tea, tablets, meal.

Tea made from mealTea is often used to strengthen immunity, treat colds and infectious diseases. For tea, meal is best. One teaspoon of it should be poured with a glass of boiling water, infused under the lid (best of all - in glass or ceramic dishes) for 8-11 minutes. Drink half a glass, regardless of the diet, 3 times a day for 1 week.

Milk thistle brothThe decoction is prepared when coughing, including strong and protracted. For his cough, decoctions consisting of plant meal are prepared. Take about half a teaspoon of milk thistle meal (you can buy it in most pharmacies), pour it in a teapot with half a glass of boiling water, insist for 6-7 minutes. Strain it.

When the broth cools (it should be warm) - add there half a teaspoon of bee honey or jam from currants, raspberries, potions. This tool can be used every hour and a half until there is improvement. But, if a positive trend is not observed 5-6 days after the start of using the decoction, be sure to consult a doctor.

Hangover syndrome prepares a decoction of meal, but, for 1 cup of boiling water, you should take 1 spoonful of meal, and you need to insist the remedy for at least 10-11 minutes. Take 3-4 times a day. At the same time, you need to drink a sufficient amount of liquid, best of all - high-quality drinking water.

Milk thistle powderMilk thistle powder, from which scrub is prepared, in order to cleanse the skin, is diluted with clean water (one spoon dining room), stirring to a porridge-like state of arbitrary, convenient for use, consistency.

The water used in the cooking process should be warm. The composition is applied to all problem areas, washing off after 30-35 minutes. Such a tool can eliminate many skin problems, including hard-to-reduce black dots and acne.

Vodka meal tinctureTincture with vodka. Take, again, meal, vodka home or shop. For 500 milliliters of vodka - 5 tablespoons of meal. Poured in glassware, infused for 3 weeks in a dark and cool room. No need to strain. It is used by half a tablespoon as an immunomodulator, a sedative, for colds, joint problems, as a fortifying agent. The course of admission is no more than 2 weeks. Take after meals, 3 times a day.

In all means, meal is used. It is simply the easiest to buy at the pharmacy. But, if you decide to prepare milk thistle yourself, you can use it, in crushed form. The dosage is 50% more than when using meal, because it is in compressed form, and the crushed dried plant is not, respectively, to achieve the desired weight, you need to take more volume.

Milk thistle - treatment and recipesThis plant is also used in other cases. For example, for treatment of allergies and rashes on the skin surface, used gruel from milk thistle meal. How to prepare and use it has already been described above.

ForImprovement of digestive processes A vodka tincture is used. You can use it in courses: 10 drops in a spoon with drinking water in the process of eating three times a day - a course - 3 weeks, then a break of one week, after which - another course.

Intoxication and constipation You should also step back before milk thistle preparations. To do this, either tablets from it are used, which should, like any other pharmaceuticals, be prescribed by a doctor, or milk thistle tea, which was described above.

Tea can also be used for the purpose ofweight loss, because it perfectly burns excess fat deposits and normalizes metabolic processes. To do this, you should drink a third of a glass of tea three times a day, the course is about a month. After a break (1.5-2 months), you should repeat the course.

Increased blood sugar levels: powder (20-30 grams), steep boiling water (500 milliliters). Cook in a water bath, cooking time - about 30 minutes, insist the same amount, strain. Eat 2 teaspoons every 2 hours. The duration of therapy is about 20-22 days. This tool is sometimes used to improve the composition of the blood, its purification.

How to take milk thistle for liver treatment

The plant has a very beneficial effect on the liver. It improves all its functions, eliminates inflammation, promotes renewal and recovery.

preventative - 1 month for 1 teaspoon of dry product, or a decoction of it (50 milliliters for 1 reception) twice a day.

for treatment tea on an empty stomach, three times a day for 200 milliliters per 1 reception, meal, in its dry form, on an empty stomach, 3-4 times a day. The dose is about 1 teaspoon. The duration of admission is 38-40 days.

Use this plant carefully and correctly, and then it will only benefit you. Blessed be you. published

The materials are informative in nature. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, for advice on the use of any drugs and treatment methods, consult a doctor.

P.S. And remember, just by changing our consciousness - together we change the world!

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