Hakini-wise to improve memory.

Hakini - Goddess in Hinduism, which is considered the epitome of the Ajna chakra. This chakra is also called many of the "third eye." However, it is not only responsible for intuition, but also for the mental abilities. For what it is wise if you have trouble concentrating, important ideas "depart out of his head," you can not concentrate, and often forgetting all - Hakini-wise correct the situation. It can be used both in disorder, and for improving memory. It helps a long time to concentrate on anything. Especially useful would be wise for those whose activities are somehow related to brain activity. Interestingly, Hakini-wise very thoroughly investigated by scientists. They believe that it can immediately use the left and right hemisphere of our brain. And by the way, for many this will seem familiar wise. The same researchers found that people often unconsciously, adds to its concentration.
Technique wise implementation
Putting together the tips of the thumb, forming a "ring". The remaining fingers connect the pads, making the "comb».
Mudra can be carried out every day in every position, and as long as you want. If you forget something and need it to remember (for example, thought lost in a conversation), mudra fold, lift up your eyes, and breathe at the same time, touch the tip of the tongue to the upper gums or soft palate. Then exhale and lower the tongue. Repeat the technique a few times if necessary.