5 magical points of the mouth

As you know, in the East widely used acupressure. Pushing on different points, we receive the ability to control the flow of energy in our body that gives a powerful healing effect. There are a few special points, which revitalizes the nasopharynx. Three of them are on the top of the sky, for their activation are used in a particular situation of language, including certain circuit of energy channels (wise).
Point of air (Vayu-Nabhi-mudra).
Tap the tongue on the upper teeth (about at the middle of the upper lip) and hold it in this position. Wise helps us focus, enhances energy circulation, eliminates congestion in the nasopharynx helps in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, heals the liver. It improves the functioning of vital body systems: the immune and the Central nervous system. Helps to overcome laziness, inertia, depression.
The point of the fire (Agni-Nabhi-mudra).
Tap the tongue of the arch of the upper palate. This mudra has a warming effect, improves eyesight, promotes the harmonization of digestion, strengthen the immune system, improving memory. It cleans and rejuvenates all of the tissues of the body.
Point of water (Jala-Nabhi-mudra or APAS-Nabhi-mudra).
Between the hard and soft palate (the beginning of the soft palate). Improves digestion, condition of throat and teeth, strengthens internal energy. Used in the treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, trauma, metabolic disorders, hypertension, diabetes. There are also other points that are used for toning of throat, to control the internal state of the organism.
Point of the ether (Khechari-wise or akasha-wise). Stretch the tip of the tongue further back up towards the throat, as if trying to close the language throat. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, breathe through your nose. At the end relax your throat and tongue. This mudra heals the throat and nasal passages, relieves stress and internal stress, developing clarity and positive thinking, destroys destructive programs in the subconscious. Develops intuition, helps to detoxify the body, regulates cell metabolism, helps to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome.
The point of the earth (prithivi-mudra).
Strongly press the tip of the tongue to the base of the lower teeth on the inside. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds and then relax. Breathe through your nose. This mudra heals nasal passages, soothes, gives a sense of inner support, "grounding". Support for osteoporosis, arthritis, skin diseases, teeth, hair, nails and joints, develop strength and endurance. Helps to overcome apathy and depression, improves mood.
Source: www.all-yoga.ru/blogs/archives/655