Hygiene yogis—what does tongue cleaning

Ayurveda — traditional Indian medicine, recommends cleaning the tongue as part of daily hygiene regime to remove toxic sediments, known as the AMA — accumulated toxins, food residue and various toxins. According to Ayurveda pure language is the key to oral health.
The cleansing of language not only maintains hygiene but also helps keep taste sensations. The tongue is responsible for taste perception. Net language more clearly it is perceived. You will discover new nuances of taste, and, strangely enough, you can start eating less. According to Ayurveda, the need for food not only satisfies hunger, but also enriches the mind tastes. When taste perception is dulled, this leads to overeating and excess weight.Modern experts in the field of hygiene of the oral cavity agree that it is necessary to clean the tongue daily when brushing your teeth.

Bacteria and fungi growing on the language, cause many oral problems and General health problems. It is a favorable environment for microorganisms that cause inflammation and poison the body. In addition, bacteria in the dark as they emit volatile sulfur compounds on the back of the tongue. These molecules cause 50-80 % of all cases of unpleasant mouth odor
Regular tongue cleaning helps:
— get rid of a huge number of pathogenic microbes, which cause various diseases of the oral cavity
— to get rid of unpleasant smell from the mouth;
— to enrich the taste sensations are blunted because of the coating on the tongue
through massage of the receptor language, to activate and stimulate the internal organs.
— regular cleaning of the tongue reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth 10 times;
— reduces the formation of Tartar by 33%
— thanks to the cleaning of not only teeth but also the tongue reduced bad breath by 85%; when brushing your teeth — only 25%.
For daily tongue cleaning from bacterial plaque, food debris, fungi and dead cells from the surface of the language used asiaciti.
Toothbrushes are not effective for this purpose as they are intended for brushing your teeth.
Source: /users/14
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