Anticipation or programming?

Often the unpleasant events that happened to us, cause such thoughts: and yet it was a subtle feeling that everything goes this way .. And there is a reasonable question: is worked our intuition? Or we ourselves mentally programmed to precisely such an outcome?
I am often asked the question: how to distinguish between the voice of the soul from mental programmok and unconscious stereotypes that live in our own lives
? Can we influence the expected developments to their attitude, condition, or it is already a foregone fact?
I will answer first to the last part of the question.
The point is not whether we can create our own reality, and that we always create it. Always. You can not have any reality, that is not you created. All of your reality is created by you.
predvideniye-ili-predskazanieDrugoe thing is that it can be created unknowingly on other people's programs. Those. People, for example, launched a program "in the neighborhood to live dangerously, rob," or "in my family at a certain age all men suffer from this incurable disease" - and this itself creates reality in the corresponding plot
. Man agrees to any programs, lessons from the outside, and is immersed in the same feelings and concerns, and that the victims, or choose to get rid of those thoughts and feelings, in which residents live robbed or sick relatives.
And the question is not even, the thoughts you think and what feelings do you have power to address these thoughts. That feeling is the driving force. In a strong inspiration you can instantly break into a glorious future, and to destroy already almost established. Therefore, it is important to own your feelings and see to it that there was no great disappointment in your life. Because if you are "acutely disappointing" able to think about something, you just hover over it "spoilage".
predvideniyeili-predskazanieK Fortunately, neutralize such self-destructive humor helps dramatically reduces the significance of the negative programming. As soon as you notice this state - quickly switch attention to the raising of the resource and gratitude for the good that you have! And there, and there are forces joke: "That's what I hyped myself here dynamo! Uuh! Better fuete twist! .. »
So, the question becomes clearer. In principle, there is no other life than the one we create ourselves. Absolutely all events are created by us.
We now define how to distinguish a premonition of his own negative programming.
The main criterion - at ease. intuition's voice is light and unobtrusive and not associated with any negative feelings.
Those. If you feel relaxed, it is not necessary to go today, for example, to any official, because something is not in the mood, I do not want to - it's intuition. You will arrive - and there is closed, or the official to the "hospital." If, however, the idea that you need to go there, cause you discomfort, dyspnea, this kind of program is undeveloped within you, which warns: "Are you afraid that you did not know how to interact with it. You go there and you will be bad. " The organism itself tells you - you are not ready to face this problem, you need to change the attitude towards it. What is surprising, if in such a mood campaign will fail - the issue is not solved, time and nerves wasted
. If you have this kind of state occurs frequently, you need to sit down and write, they happen for some reasons. When you summarize them, you will see that these so-called "hunches" refer to those actions or events that you are trying to avoid, ad nauseam ... Ie you have not worked out the program, encouraging to see just such a development. This is negative programming that you live in.
Someone was "afraid" of officials, some teachers in the school who is afraid to express themselves, "I supposed that's it!". All these topics, by the way, worked out in detail in my courses 1 level. When you are inside the program worked, then you will not afraid to enter into certain relationships or to act in a certain area, and the installation of your program will no longer impede you. Because you realize the main thing: "people - this is NOT the role." If you communicate with people, not officials or family characters - all solved
If you regularly skips some fleeting thoughts or images about the coming troubles, then these troubles happen in life, do not miss these fleeting thoughts. This may help you.
If you have wondered about the loss of money, maybe you live in fear of financial instability, or a program is too strong ties to the money, because you measure your worth finances. And you can really lose a wallet, or have it stolen, or bank collapses, etc. Therefore it is necessary to use these marks in order to get better acquainted with their unconscious expectations. Ask yourself:
- Which in fact I am afraid
? - That this negative situation attracts me
? - Why should I
this situation? - I need to change in itself, prevent this from happening
? - How should I change my internal state
? Flashed you thought about a car accident, you immediately say to yourself, "Wait, why would I need to be an accident? What do I get through the accident, what bonuses? »
predvideniye-ili-predskazanI you will see that after an accident you:
a) can receive care close;
b) distracted by some strong stimulus that you had;
c) if badly affected physically, you get a legitimate opportunity not to work for some time;
d) get the opportunity to throw out their anger, anger, etc.
All these bonuses must be considered. And when you realize what the root of the problem, and how else you can get the same bonus, the situation will evolve in a different way. Negative situations have no reason to be.
It is interesting that people can get material damage (to lose a valuable thing to get a leak from above living neighbors, it's silly to break the car) is not for financial reasons, but because of the inability to suppress longer to himself shame or self-blame. Material damage and allows you to feel sorry for themselves punished. The reason is that many of the usual first make himself a "sacrifice their own interests," and then suffer from ingratitude to the background of the full "obestochki" of his life.
In this situation, the loss of the diamond earrings or a broken furniture in a flooded apartment discharged outside a lot of negative feelings, maintaining our health (as we know, chronic diseases - is buried deep within us and recognized the negative emotions)
. For example, did you realize that the thing clamped anger that you experience in an address some situation or person, but do not let him out, bury it in himself. And then you can stop pretending that you are all well, and release their anger, not leading up to the accident. You can yelled, proprygat wildly dance a house, beat a pillow, etc. Finally, write an angry letter and read it several times aloud and then burn. It would be more aware of - which teaches you the wrath of the object (all the same - not by chance ..!) And you do not have to get into an accident
. Such recognition of their emotions and study them very efficacious.
Use and create their own wonderful life.
Svetlana Dobrovol'skaya
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