10 most important bases.
1) Like attracts like, and that means that when you think about something, you attract to yourself such thoughts.
2) Thoughts are like magnets, they have a specific frequency. When you think your thoughts fly into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like them - all that is on the same frequency. Whatever was sent into the world, it is returned to its source -. You
3) You - the transmitting station in the human body, your thoughts you cast a certain frequency. If you want to change something in your life, change the frequency by changing your thoughts.
4) What are your current thoughts create your future life. So, what do you think most of all, on what you most strongly focus, will appear in your life.
5) What are your thoughts become reality. Law of Attraction - it's the law of nature. He is impartial as the law of gravity.
6) Nothing appears in your life until you summon it through persistent thoughts.
7) Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings tell you immediately what frequency on which you are now. When you feel bad when you have a bad mood, you get to the frequency which attracts even more negative. When you are positive, you are powerfully attracts more good things.
8) To believe means to act, speak and think as if you've already got what asked. When you radiate this frequency, the law of attraction drives the people, events, and circumstances for you to achieve the desired.
9) Thanks - a powerful method to increase your energy and bringing into your life what you want. Be grateful for what you already have, and you will attract more good things.
10) To feel happy right now - the fastest way to attract all that you desire in your life.