Magic of grasses and trees.
Magic of grasses and trees known to people from the distant past. Herbs, charms known as amulets strong in many situations. They are used as amulets for the house and for protection against the evil eye. And now, many psychics, shamans and healers use herbs to cleanse the negative energy from a person and the home, to protect against induced adverse impacts, etc. If properly applied herbs, amulets, you can easily improve your life in many of its areas - from love, to household or career
Plants for cleaning apartments
At home, where there are conflicts and releases negative energy, visit the envious people need to periodically clean energy. If this is not carried out, the living space of negative energy accumulates on the walls. In such a difficult place to be, headache, mood falls, people feel "squeezed." Come to the aid wormwood. Fumigate the smoke of sage walls, and all the negativity is gone. There is another option cleaning premises -. Brew 3 tablespoons sage cup of boiling water, pour the mixture into a bucket of water and wash with this water the whole apartment
Plants from detractors
Defend against enemies at work, you can use juniper - put on your desktop product of juniper, which is a powerful talisman of space. Also oberezhnyh properties, Juniper has a pleasant smell and highlights auspicious energy.
Plants for
successful career
Put three big beautiful bay leaves to the north of the room where you are often or sleep. Laurus carries the energy of victory. Northbound activates career. Leaves need to choose larger, beautiful and smooth.
Plants for money
The most famous money plant - a lavender and geranium. Put in purse dried flowers, and your wallet will never be empty. You can keep the money next to bunches of lavender or geranium pot. Near good to put green candles.
Plants for
Those who often have to make important decisions and many think will help the essential oils of pine and lemongassa. 2 drops lemongrass oil and 1 drop of pine oil drip on a cloth and place it on your desktop. Intuition and mental abilities worsen.
Plants from stress
There is a tree that helps to remove all the excess from our lives. This cedar. Sprinkle on the salt bath 4 drops of essential oil of cedar and take an aromatic bath - all unnecessary and leave you a negative. If there is a sick or debilitated people, hang over his bed photo of pine, spruce and cedar.
Plants protection
Above the front door you can hang a bundle of thistle. Or spend the full moon a little ritual. We need to take the usual onion, cut in half, put one half of the front door, the other - from the outside of the apartment. After one day, remove the bulb and discard it. It absorbs all negative.
Plants for joy
Very positive and giving the power of trees birch considered. Good to have a friend - birch. But only the trees themselves very wary of a man, do not think that if you are standing and hugging a tree, it will certainly give you his energy. This is not true. With the tree really need to make friends. What is very rare people in the world.
Another modern variant of protection - photos on the background of birch trees or apple trees can be spread to the public, without fear of the evil eye or damage
Aspen and poplar - trees vampire. They take energy.